Penn State RGSO Dissertation Support Competition

For support of research-related expenditures associated with a dissertation, such as:

  • travel to specialized locations/collections (e.g., archives, libraries, interview sites) (this should not be used for conference travel)
  • payments to subjects/informants
  • photocopying or microfilming costs at archives or libraries
  • phone and/or postage expenses necessary for the research (e.g., surveys)
  • lab or other expendable supplies unavailable through departmental resources
  • special software unavailable through university resources (e.g., foreign language word processing packages, specialized statistical packages)
  • specialized texts unavailable at Penn State or through inter-library loan
  • For release time from regular teaching assistantship responsibilities for one semester (Fall or Spring).

DEADLINE: September 30 and March 17

ELIGIBILITY: Candidate must have an approved dissertation proposal (i.e., must be ABD) by the end of the semester in which the application is made, and, normally, must be in residence.Humanities students must take their humanities release before they are eligible for the RGSO Dissertation Competition Release. Those who have yet to take their humanities release are still eligible for the RGSO research funding.

As a condition of receiving a dissertation release, students must participate in the following spring Graduate Research Exhibition.

AWARD: Approximately 15 awards each semester of up to $2,000 each for research-related expenses OR $5,000 for release time. (note that students in humanities Ph.D. programs are welcome to apply for a release, which would be in addition to the release they already receive as part of the Humanities Initiative).Funding will not be provided for purposes of a stipend, tuition payments, dependent support, or for typing or reproduction of the dissertation itself.


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