ACLS Pre-dissertation Travel Grants (China Studies)

Deadline: Around Nov. 9, 2017.

Award: $5,000

These travel grants are “for graduate students  who wish to conduct preliminary preparations in China prior to beginning basic research for the dissertation. These grants are not intended as extensions of the time devoted to basic research, but to support the necessary steps to prepare for it.”  Grant covers an expected stay of 3-4 months (summer) in China, Hong Kong, Tibet or Taiwan.

Applications in all disciplines of the humanities and social sciences are welcome. The program supports the study of Chinese culture and society in all periods.

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CHI Predoctoral Fellows Program

Deadline: Around Nov. 14, 2017

Each year the Center for Humanities and Information (CHI) offers six year-long predoctoral fellowships to graduate students currently enrolled at Penn State.

Eligibility: Preference is given to students in the College of the Liberal Arts, although students from all colleges are welcome to apply. Normally, to be eligible for support, students must have passed their comprehensive exams. CHI welcomes collaborative applications, as well as applications from mixed teams of faculty members and graduate students.

Award: $23,000, plus a small research/travel allowance.

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IAH Predoctoral Summer Workshops

Deadline: Around Oct. 15, 2017

“We invite applications for fellowships from pre-doctoral students to participate in a three-week intensive, residential summer workshop for individuals who are working towards but have not yet received a PhD in a humanities discipline, and who plan to continue their degree programs while also considering careers outside the academy and/or the tenure-track university system.

The summer workshop will instruct students in the various ways they can leverage their pre-existing and developing skill sets towards the pursuit of careers in the public humanities and the private sector (also sometimes referred to as “alt-ac” careers). Familiarity with the vital connections between academic and public worlds can also enrich traditional scholarly endeavors.”

Award: Each fellow will receive a $5,000 stipend, intended to cover travel to and from the three-week summer workshop, most meals, and all incidentals. Free housing is provided.

Eligibility: Pre-doctoral. International students accepted, but must be attending a U.S. PhD-granting institution. Each institution may only nominate one student. For consideration, contact the Dean of the Graduate School, or the Director of the Institute for the Arts and Humanities.

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Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program

The Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) offers thousands of research fellowships annually to doctoral candidates, postdoctoral scholars, and independent scholars. There are at least 27 member research centers throughout the world, each with a specific areal focus. 

CAORC has two main fellowship progams:

NEH Fellowships. Open to US citizens and 3-year-resident foreign nationals. Fellowship stipends are $4,200 per month, for a maximum of four months. Each fellowship is hosted by a specific overseas research center, and the participating centers vary from year to year. In the last cycle, the participants were Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Cyprus, Georgia, Indonesia, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Senegal, Sri Lanka and Tunisia.

Andrew Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowships. Open to US citizens and permanent residents who are doctoral candidates or recent PhDs. Fellows carry out research in the humanities in countries bordering the Mediterranean.

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Tufts University Visiting Fellows

Deadline: Feb. 1, 2018

The Center for the Humanities at Tufts (CHAT) offers several one-year postdoctoral fellowships. The fellows will be in residence at the Center, and participate in a research seminar on themes in Comparative Global Humanities.

Award: $47,500, plus office and health benefits.

Eligibility: Candidates must have completed their PhD recently  (no more than four years before the start of the fellowship).

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