Columbia Uni: Weatherhead East Asian Institute: Fellowship in East Asia and the Americas

2017-2018 Dorothy Borg Postdoctoral Fellowship in East Asia and the Americas

The Weatherhead East Asian Institute invites applications for its 2017-2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship on “Global Circuits” through the Dorothy Borg Research Program. The Institute is searching for a postdoctoral scholar who studies a region in East Asia or the Americas from the disciplines of literature, history, religion, or art history/material culture studies, and whose research involves primary sources (archival, material and/or digital) from both East Asian and American archives. We seek candidates who are able to teach transnational and/or global issues relating to the Americas and East Asia, involving both East Asian and American materials in the classroom. The ability to engage with digital humanities in teaching and research is preferable, though not required. The Fellow will teach one course each semester, as well as pursue his or her own research. The Fellow will also participate in collaborative projects with other Fellows, and s/he will be an active participant in day-to-day WEAI programs and events.

Candidates who study a region in East Asia or the Americas from the disciplines of literature, history, religion, or material culture studies and/or art history are welcome to apply. The fellowship will cover a 10-month period beginning September 1, 2017, and comes with a stipend of $47,476 plus $5,000 for each taught course (total compensation is $57,476).

About the Borg research program, “Global Circuits, American-East Asian Archives, and Future Directions”

The general goal of the “Global Circuits” program is to study transnational issues involving the Americas and East Asia, and to support the development of associated skills. These include the ability to use archives in both the Americas and East Asia, employ the tools of digital humanities, as well as explore new conceptual strategies and themes for the study of both regions. A central goal is to encourage and support those who work primarily in either East Asia or the Americas to broaden their scope to focus on transnational and global linkages, as well as to facilitate areas of convergence that can be drawn between the fields of East Asian and American studies. The program is named in honor of Dorothy Borg, a historian of U.S.-East Asia relations whose influence on political scientists, historians, and many others helped to bridge the work of history and contemporary analysis.


• Applicants must have completed all Ph.D. degree requirements (completed and filed the dissertation) between July 2015 and July 2017.
• Applicants must have completed their Ph.D. focused in a region in East Asia or the Americas from the disciplines of literature, history, religion, or material culture studies and/or art history, with research involving primary sources (archival, material and/or digital) from both East Asian and American archives or holdings.
• Applications from individuals who hold or have held full-time teaching positions will not be considered.


All application materials (including letters of reference) must be received by the Institute on or before February 28. Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted. Candidates may be invited for an interview to be held by phone or in person. All evaluations made in connection with applications received are confidential.

Awards will be announced no later than April 28. Acceptance of award is due no later than May 5.


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