Yale LGBT Studies Research Fellowship

The  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Fellowship at Yale University is offered annually, and is designed to provide access to Yale resources in LGBT Studies for scholars who live outside the greater New Haven area.

Deadline: April 19, 2019 (Application form will be active January 15, 2019)

Eligibility: Scholars from across the country and around the world are invited to apply for the Yale LGBT Studies Research Fellowship. This fellowship supports scholars from any field pursuing research in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer studies at Yale University, utilizing the vast faculty resources, manuscript archives, and library collections available at Yale. Graduate students conducting dissertation research, independent scholars, and all faculty are invited to apply. Scholars residing within 100 miles of New Haven are ineligible.

Awards: $4,000; The recipient is expected to be in residence for a minimum of twenty days during the period of their award and is encouraged to participate in the activities of Yale University.


Fellowship Contact: lgbts@yale.edu

The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. In addition to topics in religious studies or in ethics (philosophical or religious), dissertations appropriate to the Newcombe Fellowship competition might explore the ethical implications of foreign policy, the values influencing political decisions, the moral codes of other cultures, and religious or ethical issues reflected in history or literature.

Deadline: November 15, 2018


Eligible applicants for the 2019 Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship must:

  • be candidates for Ph.D. or Th.D. degrees in an American doctoral program at a graduate school located in the United States. Candidates working on D.Min., law, Psy.D., Ed.D. and other professional degrees are not eligible.
  • have all pre-dissertation requirements fulfilled by the application deadline November 15, 2018, including approval of the dissertation proposal.
  • be in the writing stage of the dissertation. Usually, this means that fieldwork or other research is complete and writing has begun by the time of the award.
  • must expect to complete the dissertation between April 1, 2020 and August 31, 2020.
  • have never held a similar national award for the final year of dissertation writing. Applicants who have won such awards as the ACLS, AAUW, Ford, Mellon, NAEd/Spencer, or Whiting fellowship are not eligible.
  • be in a humanities or social science department, writing on topics where ethical or religious values are a central concern.
  • have never applied for the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship before. Previous applicants may not apply.

Awards: $25,000 will be awarded for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing; in addition, Fellows’ graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition and/or remit some portion of their fees.


The Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF)

The Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) offers nine to twelve months of support to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who are enrolled in PhD programs in the United States and conducting dissertation research on non-US topics. Seventy fellowships are awarded annually.

Deadline: November 7th, 2018

Eligibility: The program is open to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences—regardless of citizenship—enrolled in PhD programs in the United States. Applicants to the 2019 IDRF competition must complete all PhD requirements except on-site research by the time the fellowship begins or by December 2019, whichever comes first. The program invites proposals for dissertation research conducted, in whole or in part, outside the United States, on non-US topics.

Applicants from select disciplines within the humanities (Art History, Architectural History, Classics, Drama/Theater, Film Studies, Literature, Musicology, Performance Studies, Philosophy, Political Theory, and Religion) may request three or more months of funding for international on-site dissertation research in combination with site-specific research in the United States, for a total of nine to twelve months of funding.

Awards: Fellowship award amounts will vary depending on the research plan. The 2019 per-fellowship average award amount is $22,000.



The Harry Frank Guggenheim Research Grants

The foundation welcomes proposals from any of the natural and social sciences and the humanities that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression. Highest priority is given to research that can increase understanding and amelioration of urgent problems of violence and aggression in the modern world.

Questions that interest the foundation concern violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other subjects. Research with no relevance to understanding human problems will not be supported, nor will proposals to investigate urgent social problems where the foundation cannot be assured that useful, sound research can be done. Priority will also be given to areas and methodologies not receiving adequate attention and support from other funding sources.

Deadline: August 1 (The online application will be available beginning April 1st).

Eligibility: Applicants for a research grant may be citizens of any country. While almost all recipients of our research grant possess a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree, there are no formal degree requirements for the grant. The grant, however, may not be used to support research undertaken as part of the requirements for a graduate degree. Applicants need not be affiliated with an institution of higher learning, although most are college or university professors.

Awards: Most awards fall within the range of $15,000 to $40,000 per year for periods of one or two years. Applications for larger amounts and longer durations must be very strongly justified.



Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships

These fellowships of $20,000 each are designed to contribute to the support of the doctoral candidate to enable him or her to complete the thesis in a timely manner and are only appropriate for students approaching the final year of their Ph.D. work. This fellowship is not for support of doctoral research. Applicants may be citizens of any country and studying at colleges or universities in any country.

Questions that interest the foundation concern violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other subjects. Dissertations with no relevance to understanding human violence and aggression will not be supported. Priority will also be given to areas and methodologies not receiving adequate attention and support from other funding sources.

Deadline: Applications for dissertation fellowships must be received by February 1, for a decision in June.

Eligibility: These grants are made to Ph.D. candidates who are entering the dissertation stage of graduate school. Usually, this means that fieldwork or other research is complete and writing has begun. If analysis and writing are not far enough along for an applicant to be confident that he will complete the dissertation within the year, he should not apply, as the application will not be competitive with those that comply with this timetable. In some disciplines, particularly experimental fields, research and writing can reasonably be expected to be completed within the same year, and in those cases it is appropriate to apply.

Awards: $20,000 each (ten or more dissertation fellowships are awarded each year). Awards ordinarily commence on September 1, but other starting dates (after July 1) may be requested if the nature of the project makes this appropriate.



DAAD German Academic Exchange Service Short-Term Research Grants

Short-Term Research Grants are awarded for 1-6 months to highly qualified candidates who have completed a Master’s degree or Diploma, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor’s degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant supported research, or those who have already completed a PhD (postdocs).

Deadline: November 5th, 2018 (Application Period June 30th, 2018 to November 5th, 2018)


  • US or Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Foreign nationals who live in the USA or in Canada
    • must have been living in the US/Canada for a minimum of one year and
    • have their current residence in the US/Canada by the time of the application deadline.
  • All other foreign nationals may need to apply via a different DAAD office.


Monthly stipends are approximately

  • EUR 850 for graduate students
  • EUR 1,200 for doctoral students and postdocs.

DAAD will cover health insurance and provide a flat rate subsidy for travel costs. In addition, limited funds are available for a rent subsidy and family allowance.

  • Please note that DAAD scholarship recipients are not permitted to receive supplementary funding through any other German funding body.
  • Supplementary funding from a non-German funding body may in some cases be permitted. However, they would then be treated as additional earnings, i.e. grants exceeding the tax-free income level in Germany (currently EUR 450 per month) would be deducted from the DAAD scholarship, unless the grant payments will be put on hold for the duration of your DAAD scholarship.
  • Short-term grants (1-6 months) with the November deadline must be started between six and 12 months after the application deadline.

    Short-term grants with the May deadline must be started between four and 12 months after the application deadline.


    Please note that due to administrative reasons the short-term grant can only start on the 1st of a month.

For more information, please visit the original website.




DAAD German Academic Exchange Service Cotutelle Doctoral Programs

Research Grants-Cotutelle Doctoral Programs are awarded to highly qualified doctoral candidates and graduates who have admission to a doctoral program at the time they begin their grant-supported research. The aim is to promote bi-national doctoral degrees at the home university and at a university in Germany according to the so-called “cotutelle” procedure); after the degree is successfully completed, the German university and partner institution abroad usually award the doctoral degree jointly.

Deadline: November 5th, 2018


  • US or Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Foreign nationals who live in the US/Canada by the time of application deadline must have gained their last degree in the US/Canada or will be gaining it before the beginning of their funding period.
  • All other foreign nationals may need to apply via a different DAAD office.
  • Applicants may not have been living in Germany for more than 15 consecutive months by the time of application deadline.
  • If you are a German national, you must have been residing in the US/Canada for 6 continuous years at the time of the application deadline. Please call our office to make sure you are eligible.


  • Monthly stipend for doctoral candidates in Germany: EUR 1,200
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance
  • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding
  • One-time research allowance
  • Travel and accommodation expenses according to the German Federal Travel Expenses Law for supervising university teachers for one trip of up to 10 days
    • undertaken by the home university teacher to Germany to monitor progress
    • undertaken by the German university teacher to the home university of the scholarship holder to take part in final examinations.

For more information, please visit the original website.


DAAD German Academic Exchange Service One-Year Grants (7-10 months)

Research Grants – One-Year Grants are awarded to highly qualified candidates who have completed a Master’s degree or Diploma, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor’s degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant supported research.

Deadline: November 5th, 2018.


  • US or Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Foreign nationals who live in the US/Canada by the time of application deadline must have gained their last degree in the US/Canada or will be gaining it before the beginning of their funding period.
  • All other foreign nationals may need to apply via a different DAAD office.
  • Applicants may not have been living in Germany for more than 15 consecutive months by the time of application deadline.
  • If you are a German national, you must have been residing in the US/Canada for 6 continuous years at the time of the application deadline. Please call our office to make sure you are eligible.
  • Applicants should have completed their last degree no longer than 6 years before the application deadline.
  • For doctoral students enrolled in a program in the US/Canada: at the time of the application deadline, no more than 3 years should have passed since receiving ABD status.


  • Depending on academic level, monthly stipend of
    EUR 850 for graduates / EUR 1,200 for doctoral candidates
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance
  • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding
  • One-time research allowance.
  • The funding period begins October 1st, 2019. Research grants may range from 7 to 10 months in length. Earlier start dates are not possible.
  • The grant is non-renewable.

For more information, please visit the original website.

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program Award

This program provides grants to colleges and universities to fund individual doctoral students who conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of six to 12 months. Projects deepen research knowledge on and help the nation develop capability in areas of the world not generally included in U.S. curricula. Projects focusing on Western Europe are not supported. 

The intent to apply deadline: May 30th (2018).
The institutional deadline: June 21 (2018). The institutional deadline is ahead of the federal deadline to allow project director to review information for all applicants. No exceptions will be made.

Students must apply through their institutions. To be eligible to receive a fellowship under the DDRA program, a student must:

  • be a citizen of the United States or be a permanent resident of the United States;
  • be a graduate student in good standing at an institution of higher education in the United States who, when the fellowship begins, is admitted to candidacy in a doctoral degree program in modern foreign languages and area studies at that institution;
  • plan a teaching career in the United States upon graduation, or plan to apply language skills (in world areas vital to US national security) and knowledge of these countries in the fields of government, international development, and various professions; and
  • possess adequate skills in the language(s) necessary to carry out the dissertation project.

Students may not accept certain grants (Fulbright US Student Program [FUSP], Boren, IREX, Japan Foundation) in the same fiscal year that they receive a US/ED Fulbright-Hays grant. Student applicants who have received support for more than six months under the DDRA Program are not eligible to re-apply.


  • travel expenses, including excess baggage to and from the residence of the fellow to the host country of research;
  • maintenance and dependent(s)’ allowances based on the cost of living in country or countries of research for the fellow and his or her dependent(s);
  • project allowance for research related expenses such as books, copying, tuition and affiliation fees, local travel, and other incidental expenses;
  • health and accident insurance premiums; and
  • an administrative fee of $100 to applicant institution.


More Information on Federal Register


Penn State the CGS Career Development Award

Penn State’s Center for Global Studies will award prizes of up to $2,000 to support the professional development of ABD doctoral students (within the Liberal Arts) and tenured and tenure-track faculty (university-wide). Greater consideration will be given to applicants who have received their doctoral degree within the last five years and to those applications that intersect with the CGS’ core themes and/ or area studies focus. Awards are to be used for international research and travel.

Deadline: April 2, 2018 at 5 p.m.

Eligibility: To be eligible, applicants must be Liberal Arts ABD Ph.D. candidates or faculty members at Penn State (University Park) who want to advance their research through travel outside of the United States.

Applicants must submit the following materials:

  • Cover page with applicant’s name, professorial rank and academic title, contact information (including campus address), PSU ID number, project title, and total grant amount requested.
  • A 2-3 page description of the project, including: significance of the project, especially its relevance to global studies; outcome: i.e. article, book (specify publication venue, known or anticipated), exhibition (specify exhibition venue), performance (specify performance venue), etc.; and timetable for project’s completion.
  • Itemized budget describing specifically how funds will be used; applicants should also note other sources from which funding has been received or solicited (include amounts);
  • Curriculum vitae of relevant work (not to exceed four pages); and
  • A confidential statement of support from an advisor (for ABDs), Department Head, or Dean.

Awards: $2,000