Continuing Conservatism

As this blog comes to a close, I would like to provide readers with a path forward in their explorations of conservatism. Despite stereotypes of conservatives being a dying ideology of an old generation, there are a number of younger champions of limited government, personal responsibility, and free market capitalism in the modern media and political sphere. These rising stars are communicating to new generations the principles and theory behind conservatism in unique and engaging ways and often collaborate with one another. Now, here is a list of the top 5 “young” conservative voices today.

1. Ben Shapiro

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Ben Shapiro is one of my chief sources of conservative insight and interpretations of modern events. Through his news website, the Daily Wire, his daily podcast, and his numerous public speaking events at universities and other venues, he has spread the conservative message and challenged the liberal assumptions of people around the country. He is the go-to guy for well-reasoned arguments for the morality of conservative principles, their proper application, and scathing intellectual critiques of the other side. One of his popular phrases, “Facts don’t care about your feelings,” is a good indicator of his straightforward, no-nonsense style that has created support and controversy alike.

2. Steven Crowder

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While Ben Shapiro has the aesthetic of a lawyer or professional debater, Steven Crowder capitalizes on comedy and clever comments to spread his conservative message. As a comedian, radio/podcast host, and public speaker, Crowder makes clever sketches, jokes, and arguments to appeal to younger audiences and give them solid ideas about conservative thought and principle. His web show, Louder with Crowder, includes hilarious comedy bits, in-depth analyses of recent events, and interviews with many of the other leading voices in conservatism. He also makes great videos of himself on the street asking protestors tough questions, conducting social experiments, and teaching practical arguments for everyday defense of conservatism.

3. Milo Yiannopoulos

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Professional provocateur. White supremacist. Champion of free speech. Brilliant. Bigoted. Great. Terrible. Many words and descriptions have been thrown at British comedian, speaker, and fabulous personality Milo Yiannopoulos. Milo has rocked college campuses across the country with his over the top performances, costumes, risky jokes, and eloquent speaking skills. Although Yiannopoulos does not exemplify conservatism in all of his positions, his defense of free speech, questioning of the establishment forces of government, third wave feminism, and the media has sparked an important conversation for our society to have. His work has inspired conservatives around the country to speak about values without fear and to work against the oppressive forces of college political correctness enforcement and liberal establishment shaming of conservatives. He is currently on hiatus due to controversial comments but appears to be poised for a comeback.

4. Austin Petersen

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Out of all the people mentioned in this blog, Austin Petersen is the only one to run for the office of president of the United States. In the 2016 election, he ran for the Libertarian Party nomination but was defeated by his opponent Gary Johnson. He runs a website, the Libertarian Republic, speaks at a variety of events, and regularly does live streams and videos. Petersen champions conservative positions, more specifically libertarian positions, such as gun rights, freedom of speech, ending the war on drugs, and more. He is frequently interviewed by conservative talk show hosts, including Stephen Crowder, and speaks at universities in an appeal to younger generations of voters. His style is professional, like Shapiro, with a more diplomatic approach to nuanced conversation.

5. Lauren Southern

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Last but not least, Lauren Southern is a growing force in conservative thought. Hailing from Canada, Southern brings a unique perspective to the table of American politics through her youtube videos and work with Rebel Media. Some of Lauren’s best contributions to conservative thought are her investigative reports on modern issues that are usually framed in a more liberal perspective. She has gone everywhere from protests in America to “the Jungle” refugee camp in France, showing viewers what really was happening around the world in complex situations. Southern also critically examines current events in her videos, critiquing them with logic and going out in the world to see the limits of ideologies that oppose conservatism.

Overall, all of these figures and more are great sources of information regarding conservatism, intellectual conversations about modern issues, and some light-hearted entertainment. In addition to these rising stars, older conservative figures such as Dennis Prager provide even more nuanced interpretations and enumerations of conservative values through educational youtube channels and books. Hopefully, those who have read this blog have learned what conservatism really is, giving them the tools to either defend or critique the ideology effectively. Our politically fractured world needs more discussion about deeper ideological issues, and this website is just one drop in the ocean of what needs to be done. Stay informed, keep learning, and always remember that it is okay to be wrong, even in politics.

1 Comment

  1. This has been a great exercise in putting your ideas, beliefs, and critiques into words.

    Nicely done this, Andrew.

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