Fun Recipes – Make your table fancier

Food is important for our health, because it converts the calories into energy in our body, and helps us to have energy to live. However, we should also enjoy the food.

In this post, I will introduce several recipes that I found beautiful and tasty.

Vanilla Sugar Cookies Credit



This picture is taken by Julia, a food blogger, who made this “Vanilla Sugar Cookies”. What attracts me is the appearance. It is very colorful and sweet. You can find the recipe by clicking “Credit” under the photo. In her blog, she is not only showing the recipe, but she also gives the readers many tips for making the cookies better. In addition, the blog provided the nutrition label, which readers can have an idea of how much calories it is.



No Bake Honey Nut Cheerios Snack Bars. Credit


This is also from another blogger, Averie. Cheerios snack bars are not really unique or rare. In fact, it is often see around us. However, the question is does everyone really know how to make Cheerios snack bars? I feel some of the people do not know how to make it. So I picked up this recipe in this post. It is easy to make and the appearance is cute and tasty.

*You can jump to the link of the recipe by clicking “Credit” under the photo.