Feb 15

Our first COPT graduate: Dr. Katherine Balantekin

On February 24, 2015, Dr. Katherine Balantekin successfully defended her doctoral dissertation research, which explored family, peer, and individual factors that are associated with patterns of dieting behavior in girls. Dr. Balantekin was co-advised by Dr. Leann Birch and Dr. Jennifer Savage Williams.

Dr. Katherine Balantekin at her defense

Dr. Katherine Balantekin at her defense

Dr. Balantekin’s first dissertation paper, Parental encouragement of dieting promotes daughters’ early dieting is published in Appetite

Overall, Katherine’s work highlights the need to research specific weight control behaviors used as part of dieting rather than focus on using dieting as a singular behavior. These findings also emphasize the need for multidimensional preventions and interventions, addressing risk factors for dieting and use of unhealthy and extreme weight control behaviors at the individual, family, friend, and community (e.g. media) levels.

Dr. Katie Balantekin (center) with her co-advisors Dr. Jen Savage Williams (left) and Dr. Leann Birch (right)

Dr. Katie Balantekin (center) with her co-advisors Dr. Jen Savage Williams (left) and Dr. Leann Birch (right)

Chelsea Rose (left) and Dr. Katherine Balantekin (right)

Chelsea Rose (left) and Dr. Katherine Balantekin (right)

Celebrating with colleagues from the University of Buffalo: Amanda Ziegler (left) and Jen Temple (right)

Celebrating with colleagues from the University at Buffalo: Amanda Ziegler (left) and Dr. Jenn Temple (right)

Next year, Katherine plans on working as a postdoctoral fellow, and hopes to continue to research childhood obesity along with learning more about eating disorders.

Dec 14

New publication by COPT Fellow Laural English!

A literature review entitled “The mechanisms of the portion size effect: What is known and where do we go from here?”  was recently published online at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666314005170. The paper is set to appear in a special addition of the journal, Appetite, summarizing the conference proceedings.

COPT Fellow Laural English served as lead author and published this paper with COPT Co-Director Dr. Kathleen Keller and Marlou Lasschujt, a former interning fellow in Dr. Keller’s lab. The authors attended the Forefronts in Portion Size Conference in May 2014. The recap of the conference was previously posted here: https://sites.psu.edu/copt/2014/06/21/fellows-attended-forefronts-in-portion-size-conference/

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