How to Make Things a Little Better

So we have defietnely clearly established that a college education is not a cheap thing to add to your resume. The total four year price of attending higher education is actually quite mind blowing, and it affects the essay people save and spend their money right when they get married. One does not only pay for tuition, but also room and board and high textbook prices. Of course after paying these fees there are additional ones such as everyday living expenses and traveling back and forth from school. Essentially there is just a lot of stuff you as a student and your family need to pay for and it adds a great deal of stress and discomfort to the lives of those who have to pay it. This is why I want to dedicate a blog post to ways that you save a little  bit of money when it comes to financing your education.

First I would like to bring to anyone’s attention who does not know, there is a significant discount in college costs if you choose a public school in your state. This money off school for being local is called in-state tuition. I personally think this is extremely unfair and because we are all paying taxes to fund higher education we should get to go wherever we want, but I guess this is not reality. As young people we should be encouraged to get out and actually explore the world around us, but instead we are incentives to stay in our home states and continue our education there. Anyway, staying local is a great way to shave some money off of  your total cost of college.

US College 2021 Tuition & Costs By State

The next piece of advice I have for saving some money in the college process is trying to get some college scholarships. Before you formally attend college you can apply for as many scholarships as you want. Chances are you will not win most of the ones you apply for, but you will probably win at least one, and anything really helps in this situation because it is just money you do not have to pay at the end of the day. These scholarships will take time and effort to complete, however you can earn thousands of dollars off college, and this could really be a big deal to your parents. my final strategy for saving some money off the total cost of college is using used textbooks, or downloading them off the internet from places like Money becomes very tight the in the general time span of college so I would recommend saving money where you can. It will elevate a lot of stress for both you and your families!

College Scholarships for ADHD and LD Students


Picture Sources:

Scholarships for Students with ADHD or LD

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