ePortfolio Platform and Ideas

After much deliberation, I decided to choose Wix as my ePortfolio platform. Firstly, it has a very easy to use drag and drop system, which should allow for easy use and a short learning curve. Additionally, one of the major cons associated with it is that it had too many options, which will definitely not be a problem for me. I love graphic design, and I definitely won’t shy away from a multitude of options. In fact, I would much rather have options rather than be restricted to a few choices. Compared to Weebly, Wix seems to have far more room for creative freedom. My ideal audience for my paper will be the Arboretum at Penn State, who I hope to intern with next year. Unfortunately, I have tried reaching out to them before, but have been ghosted multiple times for unknown reasons. Specifically, I want to work with the Arboretum’s small Sarracenia pitcher plant collection, and hopefully expand a bog garden on the premises. I am largely unsure what my secondary audience would be, but it could just be my high school biology teacher, who introduced me to my botany passion. In high school, I took a class called Authentic Science Research, where I began to research anything of my choice. After thinking about various topics, I decided to study American pitcher plants. From there on out, I began growing these plants extensively, and now have over $2000 worth of them in my backyard. It might be cool for her to see how much of an impact that class has had on my life and my interests, so she could be a secondary audience. As for my artifacts, I could compile photos of my collection to demonstrate my love for botany. Additionally, I could use my advocacy project and issue brief, which focus on Amazonian destruction. Finally, I could use some of my work from high school ASR class as evidence for my elementary research.

  1. I’m so excited to see how your website will turn out! I think it’s really cool how you’re targeting the Arboretum as your audience, and hopefully, they’ll see your e-portfolio and no longer ghost you. I think you have some really great ideas and solid artifacts. You could also add a tab about your hobbies/passions as a way to inform the audience how much you love botany and pitcher plants.

  2. Holy cow that is so cool!! Sucks about the arboretum, but hopefully, that works out! Your intended audiences are very creative and I think it will be very interesting to make a portfolio with them in mind. Going off what Haven said, I think a passions tab where you can specifically talk about your love of botany could make it more organized. Overall, this seems like a fun idea!

  3. This a fantastic idea! You have a wonderful passion for botany and I think that will naturally shine through your e-portfolio. I hope this e-portfolio will help you secure an internship with the Arboretum as well. Don’t give up on that goal until you know for sure that it won’t work out! I also love the idea of having a second audience. I think your high school biology teacher will greatly appreciate hearing about the positive impact she had on someone else. Awesome ideas and I am excited for your final e-portfolio!

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