In a flurry of tweets and post last week James O’Keefe, founder of project Veritas, exposed the director of CNN describing CNN as propaganda. After this James has been removed from twitter due to him exposing the director of CNN admitting that they use CNN to persuade the publics opinion on issues they want.
Early last week James O’Keefe secretly recorded the director of CNN claiming that CNN’s goal was to promote the propaganda of the democratic party. He said they were successful in their narratives about former president Donald Trump successfully pushing him out of office. He then stated that the next goal for CNN was to push for more climate control regulations. Also, he confirmed that the reason why they made such a big deal about the COVID-19 pandemic was because fear sales.
For conservatives and republicans this is CNN just confirming what many believed to be true in the first place. Which is that CNN is a left-wing propaganda machine churning and turning out stories to help the democratic party even at the costs of the truth. Therefore, CNN has a direct interest in making Americans fearful not only of a pandemic but of each other. We can see this in the constant exploitation of race on CNN, pitting white Americans against black Americans, and brother against brother.

Shortly after James O’Keefe and project veritas posted about this on twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and many other platforms his account was permanently banned from Twitter. The reason Twitter gave for banning his account was that he operated multiple fake accounts. This reason was very superficial and lacked any hard evidence, not to mention that the timing of this occurrence lined up perfectly after he exposed CNN. If for no other reason than optics, even if he was operating multiple accounts, twitter should have waited to ban him simply because it looks as though they are attempting to cover the derriere of CNN by silencing him.
However, James O’Keefe is not taking this sitting down like many people do. In a statement he released over the weekend he said that “Most people do not have the time, money, effort, and energy to pursue defamation cases like these but here at project veritas we do, and we have never lost a case” He then went on to explain in an 8-minute Instagram video how he had committed no wrongdoing and how all the evidence against him was fictitious. This Monday O’Keefe and project Veritas filed a defamation lawsuit against Twitter CNN. Hopefully, this will be the first in a long line of lawsuits making social media companies think twice before banning those who disagree with them ideologically. O’Keefe and his lawyers are very optimistic that they will win this case with ease.