Can A Series Be Too Long?

As a bibliophile who has been known to get genuinely upset when a particularly beloved series came to an end, one would assume that the idea of a never-ending series would be like utopia. However, when is enough enough?

For some context, a full-length novel typically has between 50 and 100 thousand words minimum which is (roughly) 200 pages or more. In recent years, the trend has been longer books, with many major series having books with no less than 400-500 pages.  It then follows that a 5-book series with an average of say 350 pages per book, would be 1,750 pages in total.

So what then about series that have sequels in the double-digits?

For example, J. R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series is currently at 19 full-length novels– not including the five spin-off books or intermediary novellas. The Mortal Instruments series is 12 books, each well over 400 pages, and growing, when one includes the prequels and spin-offs but not novellas or anthologies. Nalini Singh, has two series in the double digits. The Guild Hunter series with 12 full-length books and 26 novellas, and the Psy-Changeling series which boasts 18 primary works (full-length novels) and 38 works (novellas) in total.

These are just a few examples of on-going or recently concluded series that I myself have read or am reading (with the exception of the Psy-Changeling series because no one has time for that).

Similarly, there has been a growing trend towards authors creating elaborate worlds (like the literary equivalents to the Marvel or DC cinematic universes) and creating each and every new book and series within that same world even if they are not technically of the same series, or even if the book is supposed to be considered a ‘stand-alone’.

I first began to wonder when enough was enough after reading the first seven books of Bella Forrest’s never-ending A Shade of Vampire series which currently has 82 books and has recently introduced a spin-off. At some point the sheer quantity of works becomes overwhelming and a series that started off fun and engaging, quickly begins to turn into a daunting endeavour. For new readers looking to get into the series, such an enormous gap between the start and conclusion of a series is a major red-flag even for the most avid of readers.

But if the books in the series can remain high quality and engaging, when is it too much? Is there any such thing? How many books is too many for you?

2 comments on “Can A Series Be Too Long?Add yours →

  1. To be honest, when it comes to reading books my attention span is very good. So the length of the series is irrelevant as as each book will have action involved. To me, the most important aspect of a good read is how engaging it is for me. If i pause after reading many pages and realize that I did not retain a single word, I will conclude that this is not the book or series for me.

  2. To be honest, when it comes to reading books my attention span is very good. So the length of the series is irrelevant as long as each book will have action involved. To me, the most important aspect of a good read is how engaging it is for me. If i pause after reading many pages and realize that I did not retain a single word, I will conclude that this is not the book or series for me.

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