Administration and Service
Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1987-1991.
NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Cryospheric Working Group, 1997-2000.
Engaged Scholarship Consortium Conference Planning Committee (2014-2015)
NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Science Executive Committee, 1997-2000.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Panel, 1998, 1999, 2001.
NASA SSMI Sea Ice Archive Working Team, 1987-1989.
NASA WetNet Interdisciplinary Research Team, 1989-1993.
DOE Computer Hardware, Advanced Mathematics, and Model Physics (CHAMMP) Science Team, 1993-1995.
Editorial Board:
The GeoJournal Library (Kluwar Academic Publishers)
Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Vice Provost for Global Programs (2015-2017)
Global Engagement Network, Office of the Vice Provost for Global Programs (2013-2015)
Interim Director:
Directorate for Global Engagement, University Office of Global Programs (2012-2013)
Directorate of Global Relations and Promotion, University Office of Global Programs (2010-2011).
Council on Engagement (2006-2007)
University Strategic Planning Council Task Force on Internationalization (2008-2009)
International Council Executive Committee (2004-2005)
Information Science and Technology (IST) Building Program Committee (1998–1999)
Curriculum Subcommittee of the Environmental Science and Technology Council (1993-1995)
Undergraduate Program Leadership Award Committee (2003-2005)
University Outreach Awards Selection Committee (2006-2007)
Dives Safety Officer:
Penn State Scientific Diving Program (2001 – 2007)
Student Engagement Network Advisory Committee (2016-present)
Digital Academic Learning Council (2014-present)
Polar Center Steering Committee (2014-present)
General Education Task Force (co-Chair: Themes Sub-committee) (2013-2014)
Comparative and International Education Program Review Task Force (2013)
Student Affairs Leadership Council (2012–2013)
Enterprise Systems Planning Committee (2012-2013)
Education Abroad Taskforce (2012-2013)
Working Group on Global Operations Support (2011–2013)
Global Policies Task Force (2011)
Graduate Council Committee for Graduate Student and Faculty Issues (2010-2011; 2012-present)
Dive Control Board, Penn State Science Diving Program (2001–present; Chair 2007-2009; 2014-present)
Standing Advisory Committee on Travel Policy for Students (2007–present)
Marine Studies Minor Program Committee (2007–present)
Fund for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Selection Committee (now Schreyer Institute grants selection committee) (1994-2006)
NASA Space Grant Consortium Advisory Board (1992–present)
Task Force on Globalization of Research and Graduate Education (2007- 2008)
International Programs: Faculty and Student Travel Grants Selection Committee (2007-2010)
Academic Leadership Council (2006-2007)
University Park – Council of Academic Deans (2006-2007)
e-Education Council (2001-2007)
Academic Council for Undergraduate Education [ACUE] (1993-2007; Chair: 1998-2000)
ACUE Sub-committee on Instruction and Courses (2004-2006; Chair: 2005-2006)
University Outreach Committee [formerly, Coordinating Council for Outreach and Continuing Education and replaced by the Council on Engagement] (1997-2006)
Center for Science in the Schools, Administrative Advisory Group [2005–2007)
First Year Experience Steering Committee (2004-2006)
New Student Programs Coordinator, Search Committee (2005)
International Council (1997-2005; Chair: 2004-2005)
ANGEL Administrative Committee (2001-2007)
University Faculty Senate (1995-2003)
1995-1997 Senate Committee for Research
1997-1999 Senate Committee on Computer and Information Systems, (Vice Chair: 1998-1999)
1999-2003 Senate Curricular Affairs Committee
University Committee for Instructional Facilities (1993-1998; 2003-2004)
Advisory Committee on Graduate Education [formerly Graduate Implementation Committee] (1996-2002)
Teach Act Committee (2003-2004)
Faculty Advisory Committee to the Center for Academic Computing (1997-2002)
AD-14 Review Committees (2004, 2005, 2008, 2009)
University Calendar Implementation Committee (2002)
Faculty Scholar Medal Selection Panel (1998–2000)
Advisory Committee for Residence Hall Technology (1997–1999)
University Task Group to Review Class Scheduling Patterns (1997–1998)
Academic Leadership Forum Planning Committee (1996–1999)
Atherton, Eisenhower and Alumni Teaching Fellow Awards Selection Committee (1996–2001)
Faculty Selection Committee of the Schreyer Honors College (1997–2000)
Academic Council for the Commonwealth Education System (1993–1997)
Undergraduate Academic Program Assessment Team (1994–1996)
Penn State Steering Committee: Public Education on Low-Level Radiation (1990-1993)
Intercollege Program in Ecology (1988-1997)
Alliance for Earth Science, Engineering and Development in Africa (2007-1015)
Interim Dean:
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (2006-2007)
Associate Dean:
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education (1993–2007)
Department Head:
Environmental Sciences [non-University Park faculty] (1993-2006)
Associate Director:
Earth System Science Center (1990-1993)
Earth Systems Minor Program (1992-1993)
College Executive Council (1993-2007)
Scholarships and Awards Committee (1993-2007)
Earth System Science Center Computer Committee (1990-1993)
Ex Officio:
Faculty Affairs Committee.
Earth Sciences Program Committee.
Geo-Environmental Engineering Program Committee.
Energy, Business, Finance Program Committee.
Graduate Officer: 1986–1992
Faculty Staffing Committee (1990, 1994, 1995)
Graduate Selection Committee (1989)
Promotion and Tenure Committee
Faculty Search Committee
Cray Research Fellowship (1992-1995)
Provost’s Award for Collaborative Instructional and Curricular Innovations:
Technology Based Teaching Team, 1992.
Interdisciplinary Earth System Science Group–Earth 002, 1992.
Geography 500: Introduction to Geographic Research, 1994.
EMS Wilson Award for Service, 2011
LaMarr Kopp International Achievement Award, 2013
EMS Mitchel Award for Innovative Teaching, 2013