Welcome to Crazy Girls! Each week, we’ll be dissecting female villains from all corners of media: film, television, music, pop culture, sports, literature, and mythology. Over the course of these blog posts, I hope to reclaim the word “crazy” on behalf of these women. Often this word is cavalierly applied to these characters without analyzing what drove them to the point of no return. Personally, I find many of these ladies icons in their own right, and I hope you grow to share this sentiment. This is a crazy girl revolution… So welcome to your villain era 😈



I’m Shreya Gorawala, a first year Penn State Schreyer scholar from Montgomery County! I am a pre-med major who loves cats, Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift, running, reading and bingeing Netflix shows/movies (clearly). I’m excited for this blog and to make more Penn State friends. We are!