To Build or Not to Build

In recent news for Treasure Lake and Sandy Township, Aqua PA, the supplier and regulator of the water system for the area, has proposed a new water project that would include a building that would contain pumps and equipment located in the Barbary Coast are of Treasure Lake. This project would require the consolidation of four residential lots around it. This has greatly concerned those who are currently living in that area as they have taken their discomfort to city officials in order to seek a solution.

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The citizens voiced their concerns stating that their property values would greatly decrease due to the building being so close to their lots. They believe that Aqua Pa is not completely sure about their promise of how the building would be structured. They fear there would be a metal fence as well that was not previously put in the plans for the new building. Their solution would include the building going to a more remote area in Treasure Lake’s thousands of acres of wooded property.
One individual voiced his concerns being that he had just established his home to retire in, and if this building was put on this lot he would be forced to move. He made the claim that because Aqua PA is a $7 billion company they should have the ability to put the building on any other lot in Treasure Lake.

Courtesy of the Courier Express

From the city officials, their concern is in what they can legally do regarding the negotiations for a different location. There are many laws and regulations regarding who can legally inspect the land and who has to be present to do so. A notice has to be given regarding the proposal for an inspection, and every party must have the opportunity to be present in doing so. The only way to quietly view the property was to be driving by and not stop the vehicle while doing so. However, even while doing this it is a slippery slope taking the chance to be seen scouting, putting yourself in a risky situation for future negotiations regarding the placement of the building.
The head of the city officials claimed that he wished to do more research regarding the subject and the legality of the matter, and have another meeting on the 15th of February. This would allow everyone to gather more useful information in order to build a better proposal for the establishment of the building of Aqua PA.  Additionally, Sandy Township has accepted the award of two grants for the funding of repairs to the water and sewer systems for the area. The grants, totaling near $765,000 require a 15% match from the area, equating to roughly $115,000. This is a big number coming from Sandy Township, but the repairs are much needed as the system in place now has been in need of updates for the last couple of years. This money will most likely be borrowed and paid back over the following years through budget savings and scale-backs on other pending projects.
Regarding the pending project of Aqua Pa building a new structure in Treasure Lake, I feel that it should be in a Treasure Lake bylaw that it would require the approval of the board to build a commercial structure on a residential lot. This would give the upper hand to Treasure Lake and Sandy Township regarding where the building should be placed. If this would happen to not be the case, it would be in Treasure Lake’s best interest to propose an offer to Aqua PA that would allow the building to be build in a better area while offering a cheaper price for the purchase of the land. This would keep the good relationship between Sandy Township and Aqua PA while greatly benefiting those who live in the residential area that was originally planned to be the location of the building. All members of the situation would benefit.
If I were to put myself in the shoes of the city officials for Sandy Township, I would work to propose a deal that would offer the free sale of land to build the new structure in exchange for the maintenance work on the existing water and sewage lines that is a part of the grant deal that was previously mentioned. This would clearly be a tough sell, but by starting high with a proposal such as this, it could lead to the mutual agreement in the middle, such as the relocation to a new site for a slightly cheaper sale cost. Either deal that Aqua PA would accept would greatly benefit Sandy Township and Treasure Lake, as well as the residents. The Barbary Coast residents would no longer have to worry about the building, and the entire area would better from new water and sewer lines. This would allow for cleaner water and an overall better Treasure Lake, Pennsylvania.

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