October 3

App Review: Coursera

      • Name of app: Coursera
      • Reviewed by Crystal Donlan
      • Details: 2012; iOS/Android/Windows
      • Cost: $29-$99/course, or $49/month
      • Review: Coursera is a MOOC (massive open online course) provider that offers its users the opportunity of low-cost (formerly free) access to university-level content. I have utilized this app in a learning environment by enrolling in courses for my own professional development. Coursera stimulates initiative and self-direction as well as productivity and accountability by providing affordable self-development options in a wide range of content areas; the app also promotes learning and innovation skills across the 21st century skills framework by providing high-interest content that empowers users to think creatively, reason effectively, and solve problems.
      • https://www.fastcompany.com/3000042/how-coursera-free-online-education-service-will-school-us-all
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Posted October 3, 2017 by Crystal Donlan in category Uncategorized

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