App Review: Quizlet
- Reviewed by Crystal Donlan
- Details: 2005; Andrew Sutherland
- Web-based; iOS, Android mobile applications
- Cost: Free; Quizlet Teacher is $3/month billed as an annual $35.99 fee after 30-day free trial
- Review:
- Quizlet is a study application that offers students the opportunity to interact with learning content through tools (such as flashcards and quizzes) and games; Quizlet also offers educators the opportunity to build original content, monitor student progress, and organize instructional material into manageable chunks of study content. I have utilized this app in a learning environment both by introducing site content to my learners in f2f class settings and by embedding the app into my LMS for student practice; although I have not yet engaged in original content-building, I plan to incorporate that practice into my upcoming semesters.
- Quizlet spans a number of 21st century skills for students including basic literacy, cross-disciplinary thinking, initiative and self-direction, and flexibility and adaptability through its interactive academic practice opportunities; it also incorporates 21st century skills for teachers, such as leadership and responsibility, creativity and innovation, and productivity and accountability through its creative opportunities.
- At-A-Glance – Highlights in relevant learning themes:
- Instructive app
- Knowledge- and skill-building app
- Cognitive and affective learners’ needs addressed through expert content and learning resources offered in pursuit of career, academic, or personal goal attainment.
- Applicable pedogogical models:
- Authenticity and personalization ; collaboration may be indirect within archived courses where discussion content is available but not necessarily active.
- Ubiquitous access across devices and environments, PLE, student-centered
- RASE: Resources, activity, support, and evaluation are provided for students; resources, activity, and support are provided for teachers, while evaluation is represented through student data and feedback.
- Formal and informal learning
- Risks: The basic (free) app does not allow original content-building; although many existing resources are available, a paid subscription is required in order for teachers to create course-specific materials.
- Institution- and discourse-identity; Multiple learning tasks; Knowledge synthesis.