App Review: Schoology
- Reviewed by Crystal Donlan
- Details: 2009; Jeremy Friedman, CEO
- Web-based; iOS, Android mobile applications
- Cost: Free to students and independent educators; Institutional subscriptions, which offer additional features, are fee-based and confidential.
- Review:
- Schoology is a web-based, open-source, user-friendly learning management system (LMS) with a social media feel. “It is a convenient place to quickly and easily find all aspects of this course: assignments, class information, discussions, updates, assessments, and instructional materials. The site makes it easier for students to engage with each other and with the course material in an accessible online format. This LMS acts not only as a depot for course information but allows for online interaction, assignment submission, testing opportunities, and rich communications outside of the on-site class. Many colleges and universities utilize LMS formats for hybrid and online courses in order to enrich the student experience and promote meaningful engagement” (Donlan, ENG:102 syllabus Spring 2019). I have utilized this app in a learning environment by introducing site content to my learners in f2f class settings and by extending the learning environment into the online platform for workshops, discussions, assessments, and self-paced learning.
- Schoology spans a number of 21st century skills including creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem-solving, visual literacy, information literacy, media literacy, social and cross-cultural skills, initiative and self-direction, and communication and collaboration through its functionality as a materials depot as well as through its extended functionality as a portal for extended applications such as MERLOT, Quizlet, CommonLit, and PBS education apps. The app also supports the exploration of identity across perspectives in a hybrid (formal to informal/blended) learning environment.
- At-A-Glance – Highlights in relevant learning themes:
- Instructive app
- Learning- and teaching-support-app; Knowledge- and skill-building app; Communication app; Collaboration app
- Cognitive, social, and affective learners’ needs addressed through instructional content and learning resources offered in pursuit of expanded course content knowledge and collaborative engagement.
- Applicable pedogogical models:
- Authenticity, collaboration, and personalization ; conversation, data sharing, customization, and contextualization facilitate learning in an asynchronous environment.
- Ubiquitous access across devices and environments, PLE, student-centered, multiple learning tasks
- RASE: Resources, activity, support, and evaluation are provided for both students and educators/site administrators in this very inclusive platform.
- Formal and informal learning
- Risks: If utilizing free version, must initiate student buy-in in order to facilitate the online learning environment.
- Institution- and discourse-identity; Participatory culture