
Computational complex engineered Systems Design Laboratory

Welcome! The Computational complex engineered Systems Design Laboratory (CSDL) was established in October 2021 by Dr. Ashwin Renganathan. At the CSDL, we are interested in developing scalable computational methods toward the design of multidisciplinary complex engineered systems such as aircraft, re-entry vehicles, gas turbine engines, batteries, and wind turbines. In this regard, we develop novel methods and algorithms in approximation theory, numerical optimization, and uncertainty quantification.  Our long-term vision is to gain leadership in computational design that would make the design of engineered systems reliable, efficient, and cost-effective. We are primarily affiliated with the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Penn State with a secondary affiliation with the Penn State Institute of Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS).

Most of our work, reduces to developing decision-making tools with a zeroth-order (lack of derivative information) expensive oracles, as shown in the figure below. Read more about our research in our Research page.