My Delusional look at The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition Title Screen (PS4, Xbox One, PC) - YouTube
As a person with over 800 hours in un-modded Skyrim and almost 1,500 total hours I feel qualified to talk about this beautiful yet broken game. Here’s my delusional look at The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.
World Building

As a quick overview Skyrim is a Fantasy RPG set in the Elder Scrolls universe on the planet Nirn on the continent of Tamriel in the region known as Skyrim. It takes place during a civil war between the Stormcloaks whom are rebels and the empire who rules over all of Tamriel. The Empire is mostly run by the a race called the High Elves whom have taken over the Empire after a great war between the empire and them which they won. The Stormcloaks are mostly composed of Nords who are native to Skyrim and wish to be free from the empires control and the High Elves rule which they see as oppressive. The player can join either side or can just ignore the war. The player plays as a Dragonborn which is an ancient blessing bestowed upon the few whom Acantosh (one of this worlds gods) has chosen to bless with the power to kill dragons permanently this fact allows the Dragonborn to eventually kill an evil Dragon named Alduin or World Eater who is said to bring an end to the world.

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My Delusional look at Factorio

An Engineer On An Alien Planet

Factorio is a Scifi Steampunk game that begins with “The Engineer” (The player character) crash landing on an alien infested planet with no way to escape except through his ingenuity.

The aliens on this planet are not exactly… friendly and this becomes the primary enemy of the game as they grow and grow in severity as you grow your factory to allow you to create a rocket and finish the game. These aliens most closely resemble super sized ants but most players just call them “Biters” this “nickname” is used by almost everyone but there are some differences in the biters which can affect their names such as “spitters” which are biters who spit acid.

Enemies - Factorio Wiki

The Engineer is a seemingly humanoid creature which may be human but appears to be far beyond the capabilities of any average human. As an example he can heal his wounds purely by consuming raw fish, And appears to have no need for water at all. He also has seemingly infinite intelligence and is inexhaustible. He is however not impervious to damage as the Bitters and certain Buildings such as trains do kill him.

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My Delusional look at Dungeons & Dragons.


My Experience


My experience is very limited but in general I feel I’ve played enough to generally layout this game in a simple way though frankly the rules of this game take up entire books so I will have to simplify them down significantly. So up to time of writing I have run a campaign as a Dungeon Master for a party of 3 and have played as a player with a party of 6 (total). Both campaigns are ongoing and are usually played weekly. They were all done through Discord and not in person due to locational issues. But this in some sense is also a good thing as I play with one guy from Romania and I would have never been able to do that if we only played in person.

General overview 


On the most part most games of D&D include at least one player and a DM these are the basics but some campaign incorporate multiple DM’s or other non traditional compositions. There is no real “Story” in D&D as while there are some established worlds such as “The Forgotten Realms” which is technically the cannon world D&D is set in most if not all people change various aspects of this world and some others make their own altogether. An example of this is the campaign I DM is a heavily modified version of “The Lost Mine of Phandelver” this module was a very good starting point but I personally prefer to have more freedom with characters and location design so I chose to run it as a I saw fit rather than exactly how it is written. The campaign I’m a character in is completely original and really only uses D&D 5e (5e is the newest rule set for D&D) as a base rule set to be built on top of. This is one reason I will not be describing the story of D&D but  the second is that I would honestly have to read about 20 books to even get close to understanding all the lore and I am not that rich in time or monetarily.

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