My Delusional look at Factorio

An Engineer On An Alien Planet

Factorio is a Scifi Steampunk game that begins with “The Engineer” (The player character) crash landing on an alien infested planet with no way to escape except through his ingenuity.

The aliens on this planet are not exactly… friendly and this becomes the primary enemy of the game as they grow and grow in severity as you grow your factory to allow you to create a rocket and finish the game. These aliens most closely resemble super sized ants but most players just call them “Biters” this “nickname” is used by almost everyone but there are some differences in the biters which can affect their names such as “spitters” which are biters who spit acid.

Enemies - Factorio Wiki

The Engineer is a seemingly humanoid creature which may be human but appears to be far beyond the capabilities of any average human. As an example he can heal his wounds purely by consuming raw fish, And appears to have no need for water at all. He also has seemingly infinite intelligence and is inexhaustible. He is however not impervious to damage as the Bitters and certain Buildings such as trains do kill him.

The Basics

The Basics of this game are pretty simple but they combine to make one of the most complex factory builders ever.

In the beginning the name of the game is mining and crafting within the engineer alone but within around 30 minutes mining and smelting are pretty automated and at around the hour mark the real game begins with your first steam powered turbine which is your first major source of power and will last you until the research of most likely nuclear power as solar (which you research earlier) really isn’t sustainable unless you have very large quantities and battery to last you through the nights.

Now that were out of your first hour we can talk about power which changes the game wildly as instead of needing to ship coal to every inserter (which is an automated machine that inserts things into automated crafters and conveyer belts) this allows much more freedom to build more advanced systems such as assembler lines which produce mass amounts of a certain widely used item to be transported to other parts of your factory for easier and faster manufacturing. This post power boom is accompanied by the science lab which is the building (if given power and the proper science types)will research your infrastructure and armaments to give you that extra little edge over the Bitters.

The Factorio thread - King of Posters - selectbutton 2

 Though at first the only Science you have access to is Red Science which is the nickname given to automation science this nickname is given to automation science because of its red coloring and because “automation science” is a mouthful. This science is used in almost every research from the beginning to the end of the game so don’t feel bad about building too much. The Next and last science we will be talking about here is Green science or logistics science (all the sciences are named by color for simplicity) which is also vital for the whole game and will test your factory when you first try to build and automate it as unlike red science which takes two simple ingredients (Copper wire and Iron gears) green science takes fully manufactured item notably (an inserter and a conveyer belt) which both take more them one item to craft in and of them selves. But the sciences get more and more complex as you research eventually needing engines and even satellites. This is the part of the game you will spend most of your time working on as it is what really limits your productivity one you get power production and simple automation down.

The War

Though by about the 12th hour you will most likely have your general area out of reach of the biters they fluctuate from being an issue to a non issue just about every 5-10 hours and their eradication is paramount if you wish to build a functional and productive factory. Therefore there are many ways to eliminate this threat all the way from machine gun turrets to artillery guns that fire depleted uranium rounds, Friday Facts #345 - Unit group collision mask & Artillery shell particle : r/factorioand even lasers and nukes. These weapons in the beginning will feel unnecessary as a simple submachine gun or a single turret will deal with the low level biters just fine but once you get to expanding your borders due to lack of resources you will learn that the further from your initial factory you get the harder and more numerous the biters become. The biters also become stronger and more likely to attack your factory if your pollution reaches into their encampments.

Your pollution levels rising is inevitable if you want to progress so you must eradicate them before they can ruin your chances of escaping horrid alien planet.

My conclusions

This game is one of the greats and honestly if like wave defense, city builder, or sci-fi in general I highly recommend this game and even if you don’t like any of that there is probably something here that you will like. There are a couple things I choses to leave out as I haven’t personally explored. One such aspect is this games modding scene which from the outside is very large and very well integrated into the game with the game having its own built in mod browser where with a single click you can have a totally new game such as Space Exploration which adds randomly generated planets that you can fly to along with new minerals and new Sciences.

This was Cullen Thank you for listening to my delusions. 🙂

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