To think back to 2010 when double rainbows and deal with it was the memes making us laugh to now with whatever is trending on Twitter is quite the journey. This decade is being referred to as the decade of the meme and rightfully so when thinking about the change memes have gone through in 10 years.
Most people looking and enjoying memes back in 2010 was a small, niche group that would use sites like Reddit and iFunny to get their fill. Now, memes are seemingly everywhere from your friend’s phone to your grandma’s Facebook page!
With all this change, it’s time to reflect and honor the past. Here are (the right) top 10 memes of the 2010s.
Number 10: This is Fine (2013)
A simple meme with an understandable message for anyone to enjoy! Featuring a happy-go-lucky dog wearing a top hat and two slides to convey so much emotion what’s not to love??
I ranked it lower on the list because it is relatively limited in its ability to be applied to specific situations and forces people to use the meme as is. No matter the versatility, this meme is a classic.
Number 9: Evil Kermit (2014)
The alter ego of Kermit is perhaps the most beloved and it doesn’t hurt that this meme was debuted on the Muppets Most Wanted movie for plenty to see. This one is great for the truthfulness behind the posts and pretty much calls us all out on our B.S.
Evil Kermit just wants to have fun and I’m here for it! If this received more attention it would’ve moved up even higher, but seeing as it lasted only a few years it’ll remain here until a surprise resurrection.
Number 8: Distracted Boyfriend (2017)
We’ve all had to make tough choices in life, but this guy can’t keep the temptation off his face! This meme is great for its usefulness in any situation for most people.
It’s simple, it’s funny, and it’s for me. I’m here for this meme and his relationship choices for whoever he chooses.
Number 7: Spiderman Pointing at Spiderman (2011)
Ironically, this is the oldest entry because of its original non-meme appearance in the Spiderman tv show back in 1967. This is another meme that calls people out for creating their own problems.
This a great one because of its creativeness and its refusal to go away even after all these years.
Number 6: Arthur’s Fist (2016)
This is another meme that appeared on its an older show (Arthur in 1999) but is the first one that started and blew up on Twitter. So many emotions come out of this clenched fist that it makes it undeniably relatable.
I personally like this one because there are different versions of it from a missing hand to a different colored hand to the hand being covered in other substances like jelly.
Number 5: Bad Luck Brian (2012)
Now we’re getting into the classics of this decade and what better choice to begin with than Bad Luck Brian. We all felt bad for this guy and his never-ending misfortunes in any situation.
This meme was great for those just starting to make their own memes as it allowed for creative input from users. I ranked it a little lower because of the outdated humor aspect, but you have to respect the classics as they’re the ones who got you to where we are today.
Number 4: Overly Attached Girlfriend (2012)
Reddit bestowed this classic upon us and girlfriends were never seen the same! This meme was from a youtube parody of Justin Beiber’s Boyfriend song (ironic) and has been the shining example of what not to be in a relationship.
This one ranks a little higher for me due to it realisticness with the photo and again being a classic for people.
Number 3: Harambe the Gorilla (2016)
The most controversial inclusion in this list, Harambe gained popularity, not though actual memes, but through hashtags, videos, and petitions. The untimely death of the 17-year-old gorilla caused outrage and led to a nationwide fight for justice.
Songs were made for this gorilla, tributes including a #RIPHarambe hashtag circulated, and people protested the Cinncinati Zoo for months as a result of his death. That is why he is one of my favorites from the decade.
Number 2: Pepe the Frog (2011)
Pepe has seen a lot of change throughout his existence with starting out in 2005 with the feels good man versions popping up. His most popular version didn’t appear until 2011 and has sparked multiple hilarious versions (angry and smug) for people to enjoy.
Celebrities jumped on and started using the memes to express sadness and disappointment. This is one the all-time best because of its multiple versions and overall popularity.
Number 1: Doge (2010)
The beginning of the decade started with the best meme and timeless one at that. Originally the result of a Japanese kindergarten teacher posting photos of her rescue-adopted Shiba Inu dog to her blog, this dog has maintained its humor for over nine years.
As with any popular meme, it has been changed into different versions, but people always return to this one and with good reason! The reason it is number one is that the name doge became bigger than the meme and was featured in posts without even using the picture. This meme truly transcended itself and became a classic in the process.
damn really helps us boomers understand you young people thanks cool great article I shall share this with my bingo friends on Facebook
I hope it helps you connect with your grandkids!!
stfu lalalalalalala when i pop off and your girl gave me a little bit of racha theres a little MILLENIAL SPICE for your BOOMER TASTE BUDS
Art in it’s modern form this is brilliant!
Art the way it should be. I totally agree and think you’re brilliant.
This post makes me feel nostalgic of my early Twitter days when I first discovered memes on a whole other level. Thanks for bringing back those memories!
Old twitter and iFunny days were great childhood memories!