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Terrorism and Media

July 17, 2016 by cvc5853   

Terrorism has been a major problem throughout the generations. Despite of the form it takes, each of them commit extreme acts of evil to achieve their goal. One of these attacks was on Nice, when 87 people died from a truck driven by a member of a terrorist group ran them over. The reason people knew this simply was not just a person who went insane was the knowledge that this is not the first attack on Paris. These people had a system and even a “mastermind”, as the media would report. The media sets this label because people need to take their anger out on such acts of evil on a face rather than simply a group or organization, so the media forms these false identities to attempt to please the public. The problem is that the connotation of “mastermind” comes from movies, where the villain creates these elaborate plans and knows everything, when in reality none of this is true. Terrorist groups and other people are simply following some stopwatches and carrying out their part of the plan at a certain time. They are not truly smart, but the vocabulary the media uses presents this idea. Furthermore, the media photo shops random people and frame them as the culprit. This simply puts a face on a name to have someone to blame. As a result, as more people see the faces of the attackers, the more people more people want to attack where they are from, particularly, Seria. The problem is putting boots on the group not only will take a long a lot of time and money but it does not make the situation any better as we essentially allowed these groups to form from the United States leaving the Middle East after the power struggle. This void cannot be fixed through violence since that is what caused it in the first place. However, this does not mean the United States does not attack them. There have been multiple bombings in that area trying to eradicate the extremists. People in America see this as justified since the media portrays the Middle East as war torn. Media skews views and as they add more emotion to spread their idea, even if they are not qualified. In order to truly deal with the situation, we must educate everyone on the truth.


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