At the department of Energy and Mineral Engineering at Penn State we have a state of the art Cement and Completion Laboratory which include triaxial testing units, high pressure high temperature cement curing chamber and HPHT cement loss measurement unit, different type of rheometers, point load testing apparatus, single cutter machine, thermal conductivity measurement apparatus, ultrasonic measurements, permeability measurement cells (classic and gas permeameters) are among the equipment and capabilities available in this laboratory. A complete set of automated dual and single syringe pumping systems, digital viscometer, are among other types of equipment in our laboratory at to build testing setups for integrity tests.
Administrative support for this team is provided through the EMS Energy Institute and the Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering. The research team will also have access to Penn State’s high-performance computing facilities for additional computing support. Penn State high performance computing system provides 23,000 computing cores, 20 PB space for storage and more than 650 teraflops of total peak performance, which are way above the computational need of this project. In terms of the software required to execute this project, ABAQUS, FORTRAN and MATLAB are already available on high performance computing center (HPC) at Penn State which can be run parallel on dozen CPUs.