How to Fix the Pension Problem

In the article by CNN money titled How to fix Greece’s Big Pension Problem, published on July 15, 2015, there are a series of videos from the people currently living in Greece. The video covers the reason’s that country is so corrupt and the story of a victim suffering from a lack of income. The video states that 50% of Greece depends on their income from a pension. The article has a strong logos by presenting numbers and facts as to why Greece’s pension problem occurred. Those reasons are:
1. The average retirement age is falling. The official retirement age is 67 but men have been retiring at 62 recently and women have been retiring at 60.
2. Greece spends more of its pension as a portion of the economy than any other country in the European Union.
3. Approximately 2.7 million out of 11 million Greeks are receiving pension benefits. (The number is going to continue to rise)
4. Greece has one of the worst pension systems in the world due to the nations extremely high debt and older dependents.

While this article explains all the reasons WHY the nation has a pension problem and WHY the nation is in debt, it fails to do what the title says. This article does not propose HOW to fix the pension problem. All it says is “further reforms are needed.” There is no explanation of how to change, or what the reform will consist of, or what the steps are to complete the process of a reform. This article is informative but it lacks ethos because it fails to accomplish its intended goal.

4 thoughts on “How to Fix the Pension Problem

  1. You did a great job explaining all the problems that Greece is faced with. The formatting of this post was really easy to follow. After reading the article I totally agree the author didn’t really follow through with her point of writing the article. Good job!

  2. I like how you listed the reasons in that format. The readers can easily follow what you are talking about!

  3. Great explanation of logos and I like how you listed the facts and statistics. Also you reall observed your article and saw there was no ethos noting that they could’ve had a better writing piece with ethos in it. Great job!

  4. I wrote about Greece in my first blog, and now I like to read other people’s articles and watch the situation develop. Good job explaining one of the many problems that Greece must solve in order to get out of the debt crisis they find themselves in.

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