For this photo essay, I used Google Arts to find an online exhibit. As staying true to my design roots, I wanted to find something that made sense in the true form of the word “art” but also incorporated design elements featuring thoughtful decisions regarding color, typesetting and layout. Upon searching, I eventually found an […]

Essay III

For this essay, I went to the ICA – actually for the first time. As I arrived, there was a Tony Conrad exhibition on display. This exhibition lets viewers experience six decades of his work ranging from video, experience and even audio. In fact, some of the video and audio displayed at the ICA for […]


Art movements always have related to what is currently going on in our world. In the 1960s, Post-Modernism spurred in reaction to the vast social changes and has been a crusader within the art world. 1960 was 70 years ago, which in just writing that is crazy to think about. However, so much has changed […]


For this essay, I went to the Philadelphia Art Museum to construct a photo essay. A photo essay is a series of images accompanied by thoughts, reflections and a description of the image, or in this case, artwork. For my photo essay, I will be discussing many different pieces of work Cock On Block, 1994, […]