Hello : ),
I don’t have a very clear idea of what I’d like to write my blog about yet, so I’ve decided to share a lil personal anecdote for this assignment and see how that feels.
On my bus ride back from Philidelphia over the labor day weekend, I started thinking about paper and how it’s folded. I began thinking about ‘hamburger’ and ‘hotdog’ style folds from elementary school (folding a paper short ways or long ways so that it looks more like either a hamburger or hotdog bun respectively) and how I had always thought those names were silly, but then I started thinking about math and I guess the two got jumbled together. It’s unclear exactly how I reached the problem statement, but basically, I spent the rest of the bus ride trying to reason this out:
If I take two sheets of paper, start by folding one hamburger ways and the other hotdog ways, and then fold them both the same number of times, alternating between hotdog and hamburger each fold, will there ever be a point where the total length of folds on the hamburger paper exceeds that of the hotdog paper.
This is an exceptionally goofy thing to be thinking about, and it is probably difficult to understand what I was trying to solve if I just explain it with words, so I will take a moment and explain what I mean visually.
We’ll start with two regular pieces of paper, 8.5 by 11 units in width and length each. If we fold the first piece of paper hotdog ways, we will have created a fold that is 11 units long
And if we fold the second hamburger ways, we will have created a fold that is 8.5 units long.
These two folds are obviously not the same length, so we can then take the first paper and fold it hamburger style this time, getting us a new fold of 4.25 units, for a total fold length of 15.25 units.
Looking back to the second paper, we will fold it hotdog style on its second fold, getting a new fold of 5.5 units, for a total length of 14 units.
The papers’ total fold lengths are still clearly not the same, but, noticeably, the total lengths of the folds have gotten closer. From having a difference of (11-8.5) = 2.5 to 15.25-14 = 1.25, the two total fold lengths appear to be approaching one another. The question then stands, does this pattern continue? Will our total fold lengths ever be equal?
Once I had gotten back to my dorm, I was able to sit down with a piece of paper and start writing out formulas to really model the problem in full. A few things were immediately apparent to me:
This problem would be modeled by a summation series
Each time the paper was folded, it would shrink the length of the other side by half, leaving each subsequent fold of either hamburger or hotdog to be half of what the previous fold of the same type was
This would need to be modeled by two series for each paper, one for the hamburger folds and one for the hotdogs, which would then be summed together to give the total fold length
It’s always good to start off with a series write-out because it can help visualize what the summation will look like.
L = length of the paper
W = width of the paper
f = number of folds (used in the summation)
Total fold length of the paper originally folded hotdog style =
L + W/2 + L/2 + W/4 + L/4 + W/8…
Total fold length of the paper originally folded hamburger style =
W + L/2 + W/2 + L/4 + W/4 + L/8…
If I graph this in desmos where the x-axis represents a given number of folds and the y-axis represents the total fold length after that many folds then we get a graph like this:
-blue line is the hotdog style original fold
-red line is the hamburger style original fold
With this write-out and graph, I can clearly see that I want to create two summations for each folded paper that each handle the lengths or the widths and add up a number of terms equal to half the total number of folds where each term is half the previous. The final equation will look something like [1]
Hotdog Paper after 6 folds: (L + L/2 + L/4…) + (W/2 + W/4 + W/8…) =
Hamburger Paper after 6 folds: (W + W/2 + W/4…) + (L/2 + L/4 + L/8…) =
After only a little work we have a clear understanding of what this series will look like. The only issue with what we have now is that it doesn’t account for what happens where then is an odd number of folds. When this occurs, n/2 is decimal instead of a whole number, so we need to round one of our term’s n/2 up and the other down so that only one new term is added for each fold that occurs.
The easiest way to round numbers up or down is to use a ceiling and a floor function. Ceiling takes a decimal and rounds up to the nearest whole number; floor does the same but rounding down. Adding these two functions to the original equations for each paper gives us the final answer[2]:
The graph of these summations with a lil desmos magic is very cool:
-green line is the difference between the total fold lengths after each fold
With this graph, we can draw a few observations, make conclusions, and answer the original question. First, we can see that both the graphs do converge to a single total fold length as you approach an infinite number of folds. Secondly, we can see that these graphs never cross or even touch, meaning that the total fold length of the hotdog paper is always greater than the hamburger. Third, we can see that the two total fold lengths that the graphs converge to are actually the same distance apart as the two original fold lengths; this is actually an interesting conclusion and not something that I would’ve guessed at the beginning. Finally, it is worth noting that if you look at the green line graph, you can see that the difference between the two lengths bounces up and down until they converge. In fact, the second fold is where the difference between the two fold lengths is the least, so the original observation that I got so worked up over on the bus was actually just a cruel bait that meant nothing.
In reflection, this project was very silly, but I did have a good amount of fun with it. I suppose the moral of the story can be that you should always check more than two examples of something before you assume there’s a pattern. It’s a little hard for me as the person writing this to tell if the reasoning I’m trying to convey makes any sense at all written down, so I hope that you got what I was saying for most of this. If you didn’t understand a word because of my poor explanation of the subject, then I hope you at least appreciated the cool graphics and equations that went along with it.
Authors Notes:
[0] I’m way over word count, but I still didn’t fully explain the specifics of my equations, so I’ve included this bit to better elaborate on some of the stuff I just assert.
[1] The first summation starts at 0 because I want it to have a term where the original fold length is divided by only 1, where the first term of the second fold should be divided by 2.
[2] The reason why I put the floor and ceiling functions where they are instead of swapping them is that I want the first summation to count up only when the number of folds is even and the second to count up only when the number of folds is odd. The even/odd notation only works if you think about the first fold as a sort of zeroth fold and the second one as the first on the graph, which, just…, this is already way too long, so give me the benefit of the doubt on this one, go look at the graphs are something.