Fun Story

Hello again,

So originally I had intended to write this blog about math proofs and how annoying they are. However, I happened across a much more fun anecdote to share this week, so that’s what everyone gets to hear.

I am a big fan of nighttime walks. Much of my day is spent cooped up in my room either reading or working on my computer, so it’s nice to take some time to go out and stroll around. Daylight is work time and I prefer the quiet anyway, so going at night is an obvious choice for me. I think the dark is more comfortable, and the stars being out is very relaxing.

In my mind, one of the things that makes Penn State special is the arboretum. Not many universities have access to built-in garden space we do, and I think that we’re quite lucky for it. It’s really beautiful during the day, all of the plants and flowers and such, but my favorite time to visit is actually at night. It’s the only place I’ve found on campus that doesn’t have any lights. When dusk falls and the sun dips below the horizon you can see the entire night sky light up with stars.

I sorta wish I had taken a picture by now, but hindsight is 20/20 and I didn’t expect to write a blog about this. One of the coolest fun facts about campus I can share is actually about the stars at the arboretum; when you walk toward the garden there is a big open clearing with a nice fountain at the other side, and if you look up as you walk forward you can see the big dipper pasted perfectly in the sky directly about the fountain. It is legitimately picturesque.

Very fun, good times at the arboretum, very cool. I got a little distracted and rambly, but the point is that’s where I go when I walk at night.

Tonight started out like most of my walks do: I walk all the way across campus to get to the arboretum, take a right when I walk in, pass the koi ponds, and take a short break to listen to music at the little cabin at the back. Relaxing vibe, having a good time, everything is good. Eventually, I get up and leave. As I walk out of the cabin, on a whim, I take a little gravel train instead of the main concrete path. Walking along, bopping to the Wallows, thinking about writing my blog when I get back, I look down to the ground. Vaguely, out of the corner of my eye, lit only by the moon, I see a small white ball move toward the bush.

SHIT. FUCK. SHIT. It’s a skunk. I fucked up. Its piss is all over me.

Once I had run a sufficient distance away, I texted my roommate and asked him to bring me clothes and shower stuff so that I didn’t track the smell into the room.

I don’t have tomato juice, but after washing for 20 minutes, taking my clothes down to the laundry, washing for another 10, and half a bottle of febreeze, I think I got the smell out. My roommate gave me the all-clear, but I suppose if I didn’t get it all out then you all will be the first to know.

This whole blog post is really just a public service announcement to tell you that there are in fact skunks in the arboretum.

4 thoughts on “Fun Story”

  1. I really appreciate the psa since I was going to go there this weekend! I’m glad you were able to get the smell out, and everything turned out alright. I really liked the way you told the story and the nice visual of the night sky.

  2. I love the way you told the story! So entertaining. I also love the arboretum, but I love it during the day (far less skunks, and the ground there is so uneven I think I’d fall at night). Also, how did you manage to provoke the skunk? Were you just walking and it decided to spray?

  3. That caught me off guard and I wasn’t even there; I wouldn’t expect a skunk in the arboretum. Its a good thing the smell didn’t stick too much and you were able to get it off.

  4. This made me lol. I have a skunk in my neighborhood by the arboretum, so I would guess it is the same one. Love your story telling. Good job.

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