RCL Essay Intro – Phila Unite and Miami Vice

“What is a City, but the people, true the people are the city” (Coriolanus III). The bustling Monday morning rush in New York City may seem like madness to some, and magic to others. In spite of the disgruntled looks on passerby’s faces, and the beeping of horns, the City of New York is beloved by most who call it home. After a long days’ work, thousands of the city’s faithful toss on their Yankees cap and scream mercilessly at their television, scorning their division rival who plays in a stadium just hours away. Sports, for better or for worse, provide an outlet where fans become deeply engrossed in the actions of the team which represents their city, and therefore themselves. As athletic franchises continue to search for nuanced ways to sell their product to city patrons, some teams have taken more personal approach to marketing, addressing a particular beloved aspect of their city. Within the past decade, the NBA has supported teams’ efforts to introduce various temporary promotions, such as teams “City Edition” jerseys, or “Earned It” jerseys, rewarded to teams that made the playoffs the year prior. Although many teams have demonstrated their marketing prowess within these boundaries, the Philadelphia 76ers and the Miami Heat have both experienced unprecedented praise for their particular campaigns. The 76ers “Phila Unite” campaign was introduced in the fall of 2018, and its logo draws inspiration from Ben Franklin’s famous “Join, or Die” political cartoon. The Miami Heat unveiled their immensely popular “Miami Vice” jerseys in 2018 as well, paying homage to the notorious 80s crime TV show based in Miami. The Philadelphia 76ers and the Miami Heat took advantage of an opportune marketing moment, appealed to the hearts of their fanbase with symbols that are beloved on a local scale and recognized nationally, while directly addressing commonplaces specific to their most devoted crowd, in order to promote both their “Phila Unite” and “Miami Vice” campaigns.

One thought on “RCL Essay Intro – Phila Unite and Miami Vice

  1. I liked the beginning of your introduction. It was really easy to see the connections between teams and fans and their city. However, I do feel like starting with New York City and the Yankees and ending with Philly and Miami made the introduction a little overwhelming. So much information is thrown at the reader that it becomes a little difficult to understand what your paper will cover. I do, however, think your thesis presents a great opportunity for further analysis as it is made obvious that you will discuss kairos, commonplaces, and pathos by explicitly stating: “took advantage of an opportune marketing moment, appealed to the hearts of their fanbase with symbols that are beloved on a local scale and recognized nationally, while directly addressing commonplaces specific to their most devoted crowd”.

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