Craig Sager : The Original Trendsetter

When one thinks about athlete fashion, the styles of the players themselves first come to mind. After all, these players are the reason fans are in the seats, and championship rings are won. Every once in a while, or maybe just once in a lifetime, a non athlete is able to make his or her mark on athletic style. I’m talking about the late, great, Craig Sager.

Craig Sager via : DenverPost

Craig Sager began sports reporting in 1981, and cemented his legacy as a player/fan favorite up until Leukemia took his life in 2016. Throughout his illustrious reporting career, Sager a plethora of NBA games, including the 2016 NBA finals which occurred in the midst of his battle with cancer. Although his talent as a reporter was evident, Craig Sager’s fashion choices were perhaps some of the most iconic statements across the sports world. Take a Look.

Pink Panther Via : FinishLine

In past blogs I dove deep into the meaning behind players style, exposing personal reasons for why players wear what they wear. The beauty of Craig Sager’s suits are that there is really no reason as to why he wore them. They were just fun! When the camera panned to Sager before, during, or after a game, his clothing sparked no controversy. It sparked smiles, conversations, and laughter. My personal favorite suit that Craig Sager sported was definitely his “Pink Panther” suit (Pictured Above) that he wore during the 2012 Finals. The suit is awesome because like so many other of clothing choices, the color pink completely clashed with the colorway of the two competing teams.

Craig Sager was always beloved, but the extent of his cultural influence across the National Basketball Association was not truly felt until his passing. During the days following his death, players, coaches, and other reporters payed tribute in unique ways to the legendary dresser.


                                                                       Giannis Via: 660 News

Giannis Antetokounmpo sported the NBA issued “Sager Strong” practice jerseys along with the rest of his Milwaukee Bucks teammates, which featured one of his more iconic suits on a T shirt. These practice jerseys were distributed to all teams by commissioner Adam Silver

ESPN NBA Countdown, Via: TotalProSports

The cast of ESPN NBA countdown displays the profound effect that Sager had on all facets of the sports world, including reporters. Paul Peirce (Far Left) was a player who had been interviewed by Sager many times, and has since taken up reporting

Cam Newton Via: YahooSports

A past guest on the “Athletic Apparel” Blog, Cam Newton shows that Sager’s legacy transcends just basketball, as the NFL star wore this vibrant hat in honor of the reporter.


3 thoughts on “Craig Sager : The Original Trendsetter

  1. It was refreshing to read this blog post. I definitely think using clothing to make political statements is important, but Sager’s love of being unique is so wholesome. In a world of controversy, I think we could all wear more colorful suits.

  2. I love that Sager used his fashion choices to bring people joy and that you said it sparked no controversy! I’ve never heard of him before but you made it evident how much of an impact he had on the industry. It’s really sweet that they honored him with the “Sager Strong” jerseys.

  3. On top of engaging audiences with his vibrant personality as a sportscaster, his unique outfits and style are what made him a key figure in the NBA. It’s great to see such a colorful person stand out in the landscape of professional sports. And I love how NBA players paid tribute to Sager’s iconic style by replicating similar outfits that he wore.

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