E Portfolio

For my E-Portfolio, I plan to use Wix in order to present myself. From what I have read in the comparison articles and exploring the websites, it seems to me that Wix is more customizable and can give me the look that I want. I think I want my E-portfolio to be geared towards my internship search. I have dreamed of interning with the Equal Justice Initiative in Birmingham, Alabama since my sophomore year of High School. This internship is extremely competitive because of the fame that Bryan Stevenson, EJI’s founder, has amassed. I want to gear my portfolio towards my experiences regarding minority rights, diversity, and leadership. I have multiple topics to talk about, ranging from leadership positions in three high school clubs, my interactions with Delaware Senator Chris coons, and my future career goals. EJI is committed to providing representation to those who are facing death row. This is something that relates to my future goals of being a lawyer, so I plan to talk about how I have an aptitude for leadership and representation.

Some specific artifacts that I plan to use includes the Tyler Brown Pillar of service award, awarded to the High School Senior who displayed the most leadership and service qualities throughout high school. I also want to talk about how I met with Delaware senator Chris Coons to encourage his support of the first step act. I was President of two service clubs, “Salesians Without Borders” and “Salesians in Action”, both of which addressed minority communities. I can also use my involvement in mock trial in high school and moot court here at Penn State.

3 thoughts on “E Portfolio

  1. I think having a specific internship in mind will help you create an e-portfolio with an obvious direction. In turn, I expect this to benefit you as you determine what tabs and artifacts would best highlight your ethos as a candidate. I would maybe suggest including work/extracurriculars from college, should you chose to use your portfolio when applying. I know, from experience, employers tend not to care about your work in high school unfortunately. I look forward to the final portfolio!

  2. It is so great that you have a specific internship in mind! Your tabs sound like they will work well for the artifacts you are set on. I agree with Rayna that you may want to incorporate more rather than less college works, but everything else sounds great!

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