A letter to my future self in May 2019 (Senior Year)

Dear Senior Me:

I am writing this letter as a freshmen and am two days away from completing my LEAP summer semester. I had a great 7 weeks here up at University Park. I took Mass Media and English 15 as my two summer classes. I had a great experience and made a lot of friends. I made very good habits and learned my way around campus. I survived a summer without air condition and learned what it was like to manage my money and do laundry.

I hope to have accomplished quite a bit by the time I am reading this in May of 2019. I hope I really got involved during my time at Penn State. I hope I spent 4 years playing intramural basketball. I missed the sign ups in the summer of LEAP but have been going to the gym a lot and playing in pickup games. As long as I stay healthy I want to continue to play because it will help me stay in shape. I hope I get involved in THON, possibly study abroad, and possibly ski club. I am not sure as a freshman what all I will participate in, but I want to look back without any regrets. The more I get involved in the better my time in college will be, so hopefully I got involved.

I hope to have seen every single football and basketball game while here as a student. They are two of my favorite sports, and I am full of school spirit. I hope to tent out in Nittanyville at least once.  I hope Christian Hackenberg stays for his senior year and takes Penn State to a National Championship. I also hope I have took part in many internships while being a student here. I know as a freshmen I think that the State College Spikes would be a great place to do an internship and hopefully I participate in a bunch so I learn valuable experiences and pack my resume.

I hope to have had a job or two during my time on campus and also hope to have made many important connections. It is important to network when looking for a job so hopefully Penn State got me started and on my way. I hope to have graduated in four years and hope to have a job lined up after I graduate. I hope to find an apartment somewhere close to home or even possibly in Arizona. Arizona is hot but is such a pretty state and seems like a good home. It might be more beneficial to stay close to home though as I have to pay off a lot of money thanks to college and other expenses.

I want to thank my friends and family for all that they have done to help me graduate from college. My family has been nonstop support and gave me encouragement from day one. They pushed me to strive for excellence and be the best person I could be.



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