I learned about the development of programming from machine language to high-level languages as I read through Chapter 6 on Programming Languages. Machine language was based on transistors, which were switches that controlled electrical flow and were composed of 0s and 1s. An assembler translated assembly language, which was introduced as a human-readable representation of machine language, into machine language.
High-level languages such as Fortran were a big step forward in terms of increasing programmer productivity. Python is a popular high-level language these days, and its potent data-processing capabilities and ease of learning drew my attention. Python for loops, variables, and comments became commonplace.
The chapter also examined intellectual property licensing, including the MIT license, copyleft, GNU GPL, and Creative Commons licenses. My knowledge was deepened by realizing the effects of public domain and the difficulties presented by file sharing and piracy.
Basic debugging methods were presented, including debug output statements and visual inspection. I came to understand that resolving problems, sometimes referred to as bugs, is an essential step in the programming process. This chapter gave a thorough rundown of programming, covering everything from the foundations to licensing and debugging methods.
In this lesson we had a discussion about fundamental differences in various languages like Machine Assembly and High level. I was able to learn a lot from my peers. Most importantly I enjoyed the lab, Phyton is my favorite language