Lesson 9

During my investigation into the Internet and Web, I explored basic ideas like IP addresses, domain names, Internet fundamentals, and web search engines. With the help of routers and ISPs, the Internet—a massive network of linked computers—runs on protocols like IP and TCP/IP for communication.

It is essential to comprehend IP addresses, whether they are expressed as domain names or numbers. Given that IPv4 and IPv6 offer distinct address formats, DNS servers are essential to the process of translating domain names to IP addresses. This addressing system becomes more complicated due to the distinction between static and dynamic IP addresses.

The use of domain names and URLs enhances navigability for users. IP addresses and domain names are managed by ICANN, while registrars hold domain name reserves. The web is arranged according to a hierarchy of top-level and second-level domains, but cybersquatting raises moral questions.

Web navigation requires an understanding of URLs, HTTP, and HTTPS. Browsers, the HTTP protocol, and HTML files were all introduced with the creation of the World Wide Web. Hypertext markup language files are created and transferred, and their locations are indicated by URLs. This is the foundation of the web. Secure data transfers are ensured by the widespread use of HTTPS.

Information retrieval is made easier by web search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. To deliver pertinent results, these engines use web crawlers, indexing, and matching criteria. Excluding terms or using quotes are examples of advanced search tips that improve search accuracy.

Modulation, modems, routers, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi routers all help with data transmission in home networking. Wi-Fi, which allows for short-range wireless communication, is governed by the IEEE 802.11 standard. Hotspots are Wi-Fi networks that are open to the public and increase connectivity.

Dispersed cells, each served by cell towers or base stations, are the building blocks of cellular networks. When a device switches between cells, switching or handover takes place. Antennas on devices can be momentarily disabled by setting them to airplane mode, which can be helpful. The idea of “the last mile” symbolizes the difficulties in offering customers high-speed service.

Selecting a web host, using masked or forwarding forwarding, and knowing HTML are all necessary steps in setting up a website. Links and formatting are defined by tags in the textual language HTML. Users can navigate through links on web pages by using web browsers that interpret HTML files.

With CSS, HTML can be enhanced by making style changes to fonts and colors. Programming language JavaScript adds interactive elements to websites. JavaScript functions react to user input such as button clicks and are integrated into HTML files via script tags.

For our Homewroks we had to do do some homeworks in HTML and java script. it was good for me becasue I have experience in that area I have certification in fullstack web development. So it was a great experince.



In conclusion, my exploration of the Internet and Web revealed a complicated web of technologies, addressing schemes, protocols, and domain management. Getting around this digital environment requires knowing the basics, making good use of search engines, and using tools for building and improving websites.


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