
An infographic, short for information graphic, is a type of visual aid that blends data with design, helping individuals and organizations concisely communicate messages to their audience. Moreover, an infographic is a type of visualization of data that conveys information in a concise and easily understandable manner. Sometimes, infographics are referred to as “explanation graphics.”


Infographics can tell important stories powerfully and effectively. For example, a newspaper infographic on a breaking news accident can show visual representations of what has been explained in the corresponding text.

The three components of all infographics are the visual, the content, and the knowledge. The visual consists of colors and graphics. There are two different types of graphics – theme and reference. Theme graphics are included in all infographics and represent the underlying visual representation of the data. Reference graphics are icons that are used to point to certain data; therefore, they are not always found in infographics. Statistics and facts usually make up the content for infographics.


Infographics are effective because of their visual element. The brain processes pictures all at once, but processes text in a linear fashion. Thus, it takes much longer to obtain information from text.Infographics
