


All of the projects showcased have a similar objective which is to lay the basic foundations for helping students learn about computers and the software and hardware in those computers. The Dynamic Storage Allocator is mainly an exercise to start developing the intuition for working with pointers and bits manipulation. These topics can seem tedious to students, but similar to learning basic math, practice is the key to getting a better understanding in this case. The Mini CPU represents the more hardware-oriented project which focuses more on the concepts involved in a CPU. One main idea is the idea of pipelining, which can be applied to certain circumstances to increase efficiency. Concepts like these help give a sense of how computers work at a lower level. Finally, the 2D Drawing Application is yet another perspective that is slightly different from the previous projects. This application focuses on the product and how the user is going to use the product. Designing an application around certain user requirements serves as an excellent experience comparable to real-world businesses, that is, learning how to design a basic product for a typical person or client. The skills obtained in these projects and courses are mainly general programming and designing skills. These projects demonstrate the ability to learn and develop the technical skills necessary to produce a desirable product or assist in improving an existing product.

Future of my career

So far, I have gained a basic knowledge of software and hardware through my courses. It is certainly true that I have much more to learn to master or at least become proficient at what I do. Currently, the essential goal is to gain experience in the field and become better equipped to create interesting things. In 5 years, I hope to have obtained a stable job as a technical employee of a reputable company, preferably a company in the entertainment industry. In 10 years, I hope to have risen to a management role for a gaming company in developing an enjoyable game. I should have gained enough experience to make reasonable decisions to create a great experience whether it be a game or some other form of entertainment with the help of my team. By the time I contemplate retiring, I would like to have started my own company and/or travel for business and experience. Other than working with computers, some careers that I find interesting or amusing would include accounting, real estate, and restaurant. My parents are restaurant owners, so I have been in contact with restaurants really my whole life. Recently I also took part in observing real estate as I occasionally assist my parents with property paperwork. Some of the companies that appeal to me include Nvidia, Ubisoft, Nintendo, and Epic Games, all of which are names that many video game players like myself have heard of before. I believe that having a job related to what you like, in my case games and other entertainment, is the key to being happy and productive.

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