
Stay in your light!

Dawn Pfeifer Reitz CV

Ms. Dawn Pfeifer Reitz

Curriculum Vitae

The Pennsylvania State University




MS, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, West Chester, PA, 1993.

Major: Counseling

Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Higher Education


BA, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, West Chester, PA, 1991.

Major: Speech Communication

Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Political Science Minor


Professional Positions





Assistant Teaching Professor, Penn State University, Berks College Communication Arts & Sciences. (July 2021 – Present)


Lecturer, Penn State University, Berks College Communication Arts & Sciences. (July 2018 – July 2021)


Instructor, Penn State University, Berks College Communication Arts & Sciences. (August 2015 – July 2018)


Instructor, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Department of Communication Studies. (January 2008 – August 2015).


Adjunct Instructor, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Department of Counselor Education. (September 2002 – May 2007).


Adjunct Instructor, Peirce College, Corporate College. (July 2001 – September 2002).




Web Designer, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Division of Student Affairs. (January 2005 – March 2009).


Grant Writer, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Division of Student Affairs. (January 2006 – January 2008).


Assistant Director of Housing, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Division of Student Affairs. (July 1998 – January 2006).


Information Specialist, PaperClip Communications. (October 1996 – December 2008).


Residence Coordinator, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Residence Life and Housing. (January 1994 – July 1998).


Professional Memberships


National Communication Association. (October 2019 – Present).


Pennsylvania Communication Association. (August 2016 – Present).


Eastern Communication Association. (January 2015 – Present).


Awards and Honors


University Undergraduate Teaching Award Nominee. (November 2021 – Present).


TLT Faculty Fellow 2020-2021, Teaching and Learning with Technology. (August 2020 – Present).


Penn State Berks Outstanding Teaching Award for full time faculty. (May 2021).


New Student Convocation Keynote Speaker. (August 24, 2020).


Division Nominee Outstanding Service Award for 2018, HASS. (May 2019).


Harvey Kelly Excellence in Teaching Award, Pennsylvania Communication Association. (October 2018).


Certificate of Recognition Faculty Appreciation Award, ASPIRE. (August 2017 – May 2018).





Teaching Experience


Penn State

CAS 100A, Effective Speech, 64 courses

CAS100B, Effective Speech, 3 courses

CAS 296, Indep Studies, 5 courses

PSU 005, Bks 1st-Yr Smnr, 3 courses


Directed Student Learning


Emely Astacio, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2020 – December 2020).


Bridgette Bennett, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2020 – December 2020).


Linda Bostick, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2019 – December 2019).


Rebecca Bunnell, University Park, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2020 – December 2020). “Peer Mentor.” Peer Mentor (January 2019 – May 2019). “Peer Mentor.” Peer Mentor (August 2018 – December 2018).


Jill Farina, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Peer Mentor (January 2018 – April 2018). “Peer Mentoring- How an Opportunity Helped More Than Just Me.” Supervision of Undergraduate Presentations (April 7, 2018). “Service Learning- How This Form of Education Can Spark Creativity and Change.” Supervision of Undergraduate Presentations (April 22, 2017).


Courtney Greblick, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2020 – December 2020).


Brianna Huber, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (January 2020 – May 2020). “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2019 – December 2019).


Jennifer Huynh, “Peer Mentor.” Peer Mentor (January 2017 – April 2017).


Heather Lucas, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2019 – December 2019).


Edmund Mayer, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Peer Mentor (January 2019 – May 2019). “Peer Mentor.” Peer Mentor (August 2018 – December 2018).


Ericka Mendez-Tomala, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2020 – December 2020).


Cory Novik, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (January 2020 – May 2020). “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2019 – December 2019).


Ashley Risser, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (January 2020 – May 2020).


Abhinav Sharma, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Peer Mentor (January 2019 – May 2019).


Allison Singer, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (January 2020 – May 2020).


Danielle Stoudt, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2020 – December 2020).


Muhammad Waqas Mandrey, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Internships Supervised (August 2020 – December 2020).


Ryan Wentzel, Berks, “Peer Mentor.” Peer Mentor (January 2019 – May 2019).







Communication Consultant, Served the PSU Berks Engineering Ahead program as communication consultant.  Conducted four sessions on online presence, “showing up,” professional communication, elevator pitch, presentation skills., Engineering Ahead, Ryan Hassler, Reading, PA – Pennsylvania, 19610, Penn State Berks, Compensated, approximately 15 hours spent per year, Contract Period (wks): 6. (July 2020 – Present).


Communication Consulting for University MCREU – Engineering, Conducted 6 virtual sessions for University wide MCREU in Engineering department.  Instructed students on communication skills, confidence, poster presentation and elevator pitch., Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion, Erin Hostetler, Compensated, approximately 30 hours spent per year, Contract Period (wks): 8. (June 2018 – Present).


Presentations Given


Reitz, D. P. (May 2021). “Faculty Fellows Presentation – Power Skills Suite,” TLT Symposium, Teaching and Learning with Technology, Virtual.


Reitz, D. P. (March 5, 2021). “Innovative Perspectives on the Mentor/Mentee Relationship,” ECA 112th Annual Meeting, Eastern Communication Association, Virtual, 0 in attendance, published in proceedings, Accepted.


Reitz, D. P. (February 25, 2021). “A Conversation:  Midsemester Feedback,” Mid-Semester Evaluations Ag Sci Digital Ed, PSU College of Agricultural Sciences.


Reitz, D. P. (January 27, 2021). New Faculty Showcase, CPAD.


Reitz, D. P. (November 30, 2020). “Maintaining course consistency when all hell is breaking loose,” Basic Course Directors, Preparing for Spring, Lessons From Fall: Pandemic Pedagogical Preparedness Workshops. Sponsored by Fountainhead Press and the Basic Course Directors Conference., Virtual.


Reitz, D. P. (November 22, 2020). “The Basic Course as The Crossroads of the University: How to Become Part of the Greater Conversation on Your Campus,” National Communication Association, virtual, 15 in attendance, published in proceedings, Accepted. National.


Reitz, D. P. (November 18, 2020). “Communication at the Crossroads: Exploring the intersection of “Soft Skills” and the Basic Course.,” National Communication Association, virtual, 40 in attendance, published in proceedings, Accepted. National.


Reitz, D. P. (October 8, 2020). “2020-2021 TLT FLC Leader Orientation,” TLT Faculty Learning Community Leaders Orientation, TLT, Zoom, 20 in attendance, Invited. Local.


Reitz, D. P. (August 14, 2020). “Countdown to Classes Webinar,” Keep Teaching PSU, virtual, Invited.


Reitz, D. P. (July 2020). “#BrandYourCourse: Bridging the Gap from Textbook to Classroom,” TLT Symposium, Teaching and Learning with Technology, Virtual, Accepted. Colleges.


Reitz, D. P. (July 28, 2020). “Preparing for Fall: Lessons Learned from Summer.,” Keep Teaching PSU, virtual, Invited.


Reitz, D. P. (June 2020). “Fostering Engagement with Students in Canvas: Communication Strategies,” Canvas Day, Teaching and Learning with Technology, Virtual, Invited. Colleges.


Reitz, D. P. (May 2020). “Faculty to Faculty: What Works in Remote Teaching?,” The Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, The Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, Invited.


Reitz, D. P. (April 22, 2020). “Remote Teaching Hacks – Small Tweaks for Ease and Efficiency,” Remote Teaching Webinar, Center for Teaching and Learning, Penn State Berks.


Reitz, D. P. (April 1, 2020 – April 5, 2020). “Innovative Perspectives on the Mentor/Mentee Relationship,” ECA 111th Annual Meeting, Eastern Communication Association, Baltimore, MD, 0 in attendance, published in proceedings, Accepted.


Reitz, D. P. (Moderator). (September 28, 2019). “A Discussion of the People, Places, and Landscape of the Basic Course,” PCA 80th Annual Convention, Pennsylvania Communication Association, Reading, PA, 15 in attendance, Accepted.


Reitz, D. P. (Panel Member). (September 28, 2019). “Experiential and Active Learning in the Communication Classroom: Approaches, Benefits, and Challenges,” PCA 80th Annual Convention, Pennsylvania Communication Association, Reading, PA, 15 in attendance, Accepted.


Reitz, D. P. (July 31, 2019). “2019-2020 TLT FLC Leader Orientation,” TLT Faculty Learning Community Leaders Orientation, TLT, Zoom, 20 in attendance, Invited. Local.


Reitz, D. P. (July 30, 2019). “Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Symposium,” MC REU 2019, PSU College of Engineering, University Park, PA.


Reitz, D. P. (May 17, 2019). “Pedagogy in the Basic Course:  What are the best practices for working with international and ESL students in our introductory courses?,” Basic Course Directors Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, 50 in attendance, Accepted.


Reitz, D. P. (April 12, 2019). ““Creating our Future:  Innovating Public Speaking Delivery Training with Delivery Boot Camp” as part of a G.I.F.T.S. Session,” ECA 110th Annual Meeting, Eastern Communication Association, Providence, RI, 35 in attendance, Accepted.


Reitz, D. P. (PSU Berks). (March 16, 2019). “Building Faculty Learning Communities:  Learning Technology Better Together,” TLT Symposium 2019, TLT, Penn State University, 38 in attendance, Invited. State.


Reitz, D. P. (February 28, 2019). “Reflection on the TLT Learning Community,” the Penn State Learning Design Community monthly meeting, TLT, Zoom, 35 in attendance.


Reitz, D. P. (Co-Presenter, PSU Berks), Burk, J. K. (PSU Berks), & Piersol, J. (WCU). (October 6, 2018). “Intersections of Personal Narrative, Communication, and Community:  Neat Ideas for Teaching,” PCA Annual Conference, Pennsylvania Communication Association, Seton Hill University, PA, 6 in attendance, Accepted. State.


Reitz, D. P. (July 25, 2018). “Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Symposium,” MC REU 2018, PSU College of Engineering, University Park, PA.


Reitz, D. P. (Moderator). (June 1, 2018 – June 2, 2018). “Advocacy for and Assessment of the Basic Course,” Basic Course Directors Conference, Greenville, SC, 100 in attendance, Invited. National.


Reitz, D. P. (April 23, 2018). “Effective Use of Canvas Announcements,” Teaching with Canvas Luncheon, Center for Teaching and Learning, PSU Berks, 25 in attendance, Invited. Local.


Reitz, D. P. (PSU Berks). (March 16, 2018). “Blended Course Design: A Tale of Two Universities,” Canvas Day/TLT Symposium 2018 |  BlendLT Cross-Cohort Meet-up for Penn State, TLT, Penn State University, 38 in attendance, Invited. State.


Reitz, D. P. (April 2, 2017). “In the Age of Online Learning, Are We “Free” or Are We “24/7” Professors?  “Freedom: Power and Constraints of the 24/7 Teaching and Learning Cycle”,” 108th Annual ECA Convention “Freedom To… Freedom From”, Eastern Communication Association Convention, Boston, MA, 5 in attendance, Accepted. National.


Reitz, D. P. (March 29, 2017). “Freedom to Take Teaching Risks: Exploring Best and New Practices for Teaching the Basic Course,” 108th Annual ECA Convention “Freedom To… Freedom From”, Eastern Communication Association Convention, Boston, MA, 30 in attendance, Invited. National.


Reitz, D. P. (Facilitator). (September 23, 2016). “Pedagogical Lessons Learned in the Communication Classroom: A Roundtable Discussion,” Pennsylvania Communication Association Annual Conference, Pennsylvania Communication Association, Pittsburg, PA. State.


Contracts, Grants, and Sponsored Research




Reitz, D. P., Grant, “Teaching & Learning Innovation Grant Partnership Program,” Center for Learning & Teaching, Local. (submitted: 2020, date funding awarded: January 2020.


Reitz, D. P. (Co-Principal Investigator), Grant, “#PENNWomenPSUBerks   Transforming PSU Berks Women into Leaders on Campus and in the Workplace,” Local. Total requested: $3,060.00, Amount Funded (Total or To Date, as applicable): $3060.00. (submitted: February 1, 2019, date funding awarded: February 14, 2019, total start and end of funding: April 2019 – October 2019.




Reitz, D. P. (Co-Principal Investigator), 0% credit, “Leveraging Innovation and Optimizing Nurturing in STEM: The LION STEM Scholars Program,” National Science Foundation, Federal Agencies. Total requested: $749,991.00, Total Anticipated: $0, Amount Funded (Total or To Date, as applicable): $0. (submitted: April 7, 2021.


Development Activities Attended


“Innovative Instructional Technologies in the Classroom,” TLT. (July 2019 – Present).


“Pathway to Success Summer Start,” Pathway to Success Summer Start. (January 2021 – August 2021).


National Communication Association, Communication at the Crossroads. (November 18, 2020 – November 22, 2020).


“Take Action for Student Learning (TASL),” Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellent, TASL. (June 1, 2020 – June 30, 2020).


National Communication Association, Communication for Survival. (November 14, 2019 – November 17, 2019).


“Theme:    “Communicating Pennsylvania: An Exploration of People, Places, and Land”,” PCA, Pennsylvania Communication Associate Annual Conference. (September 27, 2019 – September 28, 2019).


“Innovative Instructional Technologies in the Classroom,” TLT. (September 2018 – June 2019).


“Basic Course Directors Conference.” (May 17, 2019 – May 18, 2019).


“ECA Annual Convention “Creating our Future”,” ECA, ECA, Eastern Communication Association. (April 10, 2019 – April 14, 2019).


“Basic Course Conference:  ECA Annual Convention “Creating our Future”,” ECA, ECA, Eastern Communication Association. (April 10, 2019).


“Faculty Retreat:  “Berks Retreat for Retention”,” Academic Affairs. (December 2018).


“Theme:    “Intersections of History, Communication, and Community”,” PCA, Pennsylvania Communication Associate Annual Conference. (October 5, 2018 – October 6, 2018).


Enterprise Infrastructure and Operations. (January 2018 – July 2018).


“Basic Course Directors Conference.” (June 1, 2018 – June 2, 2018).


“Teaching Colloquium: “Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability,” Academic Affairs. (May 2018).


“ECA Annual Convention “Building Bridges”,” ECA, ECA, Eastern Communication Association. (April 25, 2018 – April 29, 2018).


“Faculty Retreat: – “Classroom Management: Tools for a Disruptive Classroom.”,” Academic Affairs. (December 2017).


“Theme: “Disruption, Interruption, and Communication (Im)Possibilities”,” PCA, Pennsylvania Communication Associate Annual Conference. (September 29, 2017 – September 30, 2017).


“ECA Annual Convention “Freedom to…Freedom from…”,” ECA, ECA, Eastern Communication Association. (March 29, 2017 – April 2, 2017).


“Basic Course Conference:  ECA Annual Convention “Freedom to…Freedom from…”,” ECA, ECA, Eastern Communication Association. (March 29, 2017).


“2017 Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology,,” PSU Teaching and Learning with Technology, PSU Teaching and Learning with Technology, 2017 Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology, (March 18, 2017).


“Canvas Day,” PSU Teaching and Learning with Technology, PSU Teaching and Learning with Technology, CANVAS DAY 2017. (March 17, 2017).


“Faculty Retreat:  “Faculty and student engagement with our community: the city of Reading”,” Academic Affairs. (December 2016).


“Theme: “Communicating People, Places, and Programs”,” PCA, Pennsylvania Communication Associate Annual Conference. (September 23, 2016 – September 24, 2016).


“Writing Across the Curriculum,” Christian Weisser , Jennifer Dareneau, Holly Ryan, 6 credit hours. (February 2016 – May 2016).


“Berks Learning Technologies Certificate Program,” CLT Staff, 3. (October 2015 – May 2016).


“Faculty Retreat:  “Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability,” Academic Affairs. (December 2015).


“eLearning Academy,” Amy Roche, Penn State Berks. (September 2015 – December 2015).





Service to the University




Academic Success Coach


Academic Success coach, Seizing Success, Coach. (January 1, 2018 – May 1, 2019).


Administrative Support Work


CAS 100 Coordinator, HASS, Coordinator. (September 2017 – Present).

Work collaboratively and in conjunction with CAS program coordinator

  • Assign, manage, and schedule CAS 100 courses
  • Review CAS 100 syllabi for consistency
  • Manage, hire, and train adjunct faculty in coordination with CAS Program Coordinator
  • Provide professional development workshops for adjuncts, as needed
  • Attend general education meetings and serve as a liaison for the CAS program
  • Review CAS 100 teaching materials, as needed
  • Serve as liaison to electronic campus resources for CAS 100


Participant in HASS Meetings, Attendee. (January 2016 – Present).

regular attendee at HASS Meetings


Assistance to Student Organizations


Paws for Success Presentation, Presenter. (February 26, 2020).


Faculty Liasion to Berks Baseball, Liaison. (September 2015 – May 2016).


Co- Organized Constitution Day 2018 Programming


Constitution Day 2018, Co-Organizer. (September 17, 2018).

Hosted Jonathan K. “J.D.” Del Collo

Prothonotary of Berks County


Coaching Student Commencement Speakers


(December, 2020 – Present).


Internal/External Service


LionSide Chats Platform. (April 2020 – Present).

-LionSide Chats Creator
-LionSide Chats Moderator
-LionSide Chats Presenter
-Interviewed retiring Chancellor Dr. R. Keith Hillkirk in December 2020
-Facilitate multiple office across campus collaborations

One of three creators and moderators of the LionSide Chat platform, LionSide Chats are an opportunity to develop a sense of connection and community for our local Berks County community at large.  The faculty, staff and students of Penn State Berks provide presentations ranging from sessions on current events to presentations addressing the social and emotional aspects of becoming a college student.  LionSide Chats will allow Penn State Berks to continue serving our land-grant mission of making life better for Pennsylvania citizens.
These one-hour long sessions (30 minutes of content, 30 minutes discussion/question and answer), allow our campus to showcase our integrated programs of teaching, research, and service.
Why now?
In order to continue with our cutting edge and visionary leadership in the community, Penn State Berks presents “LionSide Chats @ Berks”, a modernized interpretation of President Roosevelt’s Depression-era “Fireside chats”. These faculty-, staff- and student-led sessions will be an opportunity to continue to build and strengthen our educationally based relationships within various communities. LionSide Chats will enable us to reach beyond the boundaries of our campus and invite ourselves into the homes of our neighbors as we provide enrichment, engagement and dialog facilitated by LionSide Chat Moderators.
Who can attend?  How can I join a LionSide Chat?
Anyone can attend, as long as you have an internet connection. You can attend as many chats as often as you like. Each session will be monitored by the assistance of a LionSide Chat Moderator, who will facilitate a question and answer session following the presentation by the faculty, staff or student.
What are the topics that will be addressed?  
LionSide chats share the expertise of faculty and the experiences of students in a variety of areas from the science of masks to mathematics and ranging from digital wellness to imposter syndrome, there really is something for everyone!


Invited presenter at  2018 Celebrating Teaching Colloquium “A day with the Foundations: Writing and Speaking (GWS) and Quantification (GQ)”


“CAS 100: Foundations, Structures, and Reach.”, Presenter. (May 4, 2018).

The purpose of this CTC is to show all faculty the importance of the foundation courses and how they impact all our academic programs. It will be an opportunity to discuss areas of improvements and also areas where the knowledge is actively used in upper division courses


Organized Constitution Day 2019 Programming


Constitution Day 2019, Coordinator. (September 17, 2019).

Scott G. Hoh, Esquire:  The Genius of the Founding Fathers and the U.S. Constitution:  Understanding Our Legal System and the Role of the U.S. Supreme Court.


Participation in Development/Fundraising Activities


Communication in STEAM, STEAM CENTER, Presenter. (October 30, 2019).

Presented to Lauer’s Park Elementary school and families, sponsored by Customers Bank.


Participation in Governance Bodies and Related Activities


Academic Affairs Committee, PSU Berks Faculty Senate, Committee Member. (September 2019 – Present).


Participation in Recruitment and Retention Activities


New Student Convocation Committee, Committee Member. (August 2020 – Present).


FYE Committee, Committee Member. (January 2020 – Present).


Student Success and Retention Committee, Committee Member. (January 2020 – Present).


Member Student Success and Retention Committee, Member. (September 2018 – Present).

Regularly attend student success and retention committee meetings


NSO Academic Advisor, Advisor. (June 2020 – August 2020).

Served as a virtual academic advisor for NSO 2020.


Making the MOST of Your Class Modality, Welcome Weekend, Presenter. (August 22, 2020).

Day and Time of Presentation: Saturday, August 22, 3:00-3:45 p.m.
Presentation Title:
Making the MOST of Your Class Modality
Presentation Summary to be Shared with Students:
In Person?  Mixed Mode?  Remote Synchronous?  Remote Asynchronous?  WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN?  How do I become the best learner I can be?

Virtual Presentation


Co-Creator of Remote Learning Blog. (March 2020 – May 2020).

Blog created in response to Covid 19 student concerns


Presenting Research Workshop, THUN Library, Presenter. (April 8, 2020).

Collaborated with Librarians on presenting research workshop


Called students  after STARFISH REPORTING, Member. (March 2020).

In response to STARFISH indicators after the Covid-19 pivot, I called students to discuss concerns.


“Classroom Etiquette” Instructor Panel, ASPIRE Summer Bridge Program, Panelist. (August 22, 2019).


Classroom Expectations: A Professor’s Viewpoint as part of NSO1 2019, Presenter. (June 19, 2019).


Presenting Research Workshop, THUN Library, Presenter. (April 19, 2019).

Collaborated with Librarians on presenting research workshop


Experience a Penn State Class, Presenter. (February 18, 2019).

Taught a communication demonstration to perspective students and families.


The Leadership Challenge for the Student Leader, Paws for Success Programming. (February 18, 2019).


Berks Retreat for Retention | Admission and Recruitment, Co-Facilitator BreakOut Session. (December 14, 2018).


Classroom Expectations: A Professor’s Viewpoint as part of NSO1 2018, Presenter. (2016, 2018).




Assistance to Student Organizations


Invited participant in Engineering Week Student Club Pitches, Presenter. (February 1, 2021 – February 22, 2021).

An invitation from Dr. Hauser to work with the students in the engineering clubs in preparation of engineering week to coach students on elevator pitches to “pitch” their clubs.



Invited participant


Invited participant with Summer Undergraduate Research Enrichment, Presenter. (June 10, 2019).

An invitation from Dr. DiAngelo and colleagues to work with the 2019 Summer Undergraduate Research Enrichment on enhancing and practicing their presentation and poster session skills.

Communication skills, elevator pitch


Invited participant in


Invited participant in Engineering Ahead program, Presenter. (June 2019 – Present).

An invitation from Dr. Hassler to work with the EA students on enhancing and practicing their presentation and poster session skills, and other “professional” skills.


Invited participant in ECON104H Classroom


Invited participant in ECON104H Classroom, Presenter. (March 3, 2020).

An invitation from Dr. Huang to work with the students in ECON104H on enhancing and practicing their presentation and poster session skills.


Invited participant in EDSGN100 Classroom


Invited participant in EDSGN100 Classroom, Presenter. (November 2020).

An invitation from Dr. Hauser to work with the students in EDSGN100 on creating an elevator pitch.


Invited participant in MC-REU experience


Invited participant in MC-REU experience, Presenter. (June 2020 – July 2020).

An invitation from Dr. Azar and colleagues to work with the 2020MC-REU (Multi Campus Research Experience for Undergraduates) on enhancing and practicing their presentation and poster session skills.

Reitz spent approximately 20 hours prepping for and working with these  students throughout the summer of 2020. Over three separate meetings students received information on session topics/goals: •Session 1: Confidence and Comfort •Session 2: Elements of Delivery •Session 3: Poster Session/Q&A


Invited participant in MC-REU experience, Presenter. (June 2019 – July 2019).

An invitation from Dr. Azar and colleagues to work with the 2019 MC-REU (Multi Campus Research Experience for Undergraduates) on enhancing and practicing their presentation and poster session skills.

Reitz spent approximately 20 hours prepping for and working with these 7 students throughout the summer of 2019.  Over three separate meetings students received information on  session topics/goals:

  • Session 1: Confidence and Comfort
  • Session 2: Elements of Delivery
  • Session 3: Poster Session/Q&A


Reitz was invited to attend their symposium at University Park in July 2018.

Two of these students were award recipients at this event.


Invited participant in MC-REU experience, Presenter. (June 2018 – July 2018).

An invitation from Dr. Azar and colleagues to work with the 2018 MC-REU (Multi Campus Research Experience for Undergraduates) on enhancing and practicing their presentation and poster session skills.

Reitz spent approximately 20 hours prepping for and working with these 12 students throughout the summer of 2018.  Over three separate meetings Reitz worked with them on  session topics/goals:

  • Session 1: Confidence and Comfort
  • Session 2: Elements of Delivery
  • Session 3: Poster Session/Q&A


Reitz was also invited to attend their symposium at University Park in July 2018.

Two of these students were award recipients at this event.


Invited participant in MC-REU experience, Presenter. (June 2018 – July 2018).

An invitation from Dr. Azar and colleagues to work with the 2019 MC-REU (Multi Campus Research Experience for Undergraduates) on enhancing and practicing their presentation and poster session skills.

Reitz spent approximately 20 hours prepping for and working with these 12 students throughout the summer of 2019.  Over three separate meetings students learned about:

  • Session 1: Confidence and Comfort
  • Session 2: Elements of Delivery
  • Session 3: Poster Session/Q&A


Reitz was also invited to attend their symposium at University Park in July 2019.

Two of these students were award recipients at this event.


Invited participant in PHOTO 321N Classroom


Invited participant in PHOTO 321N Classroom, Presenter. (October 8, 2020).

An invitation from Dr. Azar and Prof. Reuter to work with the their students in PHOTO 321N on enhancing and practicing their presentation and poster session skills.

Reitz spent approximately 1 hour prepping and 75 minutes presenting to the PHOTO 321N  students a few weeks prior to their poster presentation.  The session included – how to start the conversation,  how to engage their audiences, how to explain their art and science behind their photo,  describe how they captured their photo.


Invited participant in PHOTO 321N Classroom, Presenter. (December 3, 2019).

An invitation from Dr. Azar and Prof. Reuter to work with the their students in PHOTO 321N on enhancing and practicing their presentation and poster session skills.

Reitz spent approximately 1 hour prepping and 75 minutes presenting to the PHOTO 321N  students a few weeks prior to their poster presentation.  The session included – how to start the conversation,  how to engage their audiences, how to explain their art and science behind their photo,  describe how they captured their photo.


Invited participant in PHOTO 321N Classroom, Presenter. (November 15, 2018).

An invitation from Dr. Azar and Prof. Reuter to work with the their students in PHOTO 321N on enhancing and practicing their presentation and poster session skills.

Reitz spent approximately 1 hour prepping and 75 minutes presenting to the PHOTO 321N  students a few weeks prior to their poster presentation.  The session included – how to start the conversation,  how to engage their audiences, how to explain their art and science behind their photo, describe how they captured their photo.


Participation in Recruitment and Retention Activities


Keynote Address Speaker at Convocation, Speaker. (August 24, 2020).


Experience a Class, Presenter. (February 17, 2020).

Facilitated a Communication class for accepted students


Participation in WAC Recruitment Video


Participant. (January 2018 – May 2018).

Invited to contribute to the WAC video produced in Spring 2018.




Participation in New Student Orientation


Co-Facilitate NSO Session for HASS, Participant. (August 21, 2016 – Present).

Along with Professors DeSenso and Chambers, we met with three groups of new HASS students on the Sunday of NSO.

A fun, light-hearted discussion of our Division and the students role in HASS.


Peer Reviewer of Faculty Colleague


Peer Reviewer. (September 2020 – December 2020).

I was assigned to complete a Peer Review for colleague T. Beecham during the Fall 2020.  I met with Professor Beecham, visited two of her classes, discussed my letter of review with her and submitted the letter to the Division Head.




COVID based Support


Readiness for Remote Learning and Teaching Response Team (RLTRT), Committee Member. (September 2020 – November 2020).

As part of contingency planning for pivoting to remote learning prior to November 20, David Callejo and Lee Kump are co-chairing a Fall Transition to Remote Delivery committee. As part of that team, they have charged a Readiness for Remote Learning and Teaching Response Team (RLTRT) to ensure that instructors are ready for any pivot and to ensure that:
Instructors who would like to continue to use their classrooms to deliver instruction may do so  There is a process in place to rapidly pivot CP and CM courses to remote delivery, and in particular, that instructors have the supports necessary to pivot quickly  Hours of Instructional Activity (HIA) are met for the course in the overall semester Disciplinary and cross-disciplinary communities can be leveraged to allow instructor-to-instructor communication and support Instructors have the tools and resources to check in with and then direct students to support resources in cases of issues of self-efficacy and/or academic struggle

Member of the RLTRT Symposium Team

November 6, 2020.  Representing the RLTRT committee, Dawn served as a Session Sponsor for two Engaging Students During Remote Instruction sessions for the Transition to Remote Symposium.


Committee Work


Commonwealth Campus Faculty Development Plan for Fall 2020, Member. (July 2020 – August 2020).

Committee member and contributor on project to prepare faculty for the Covid modes for fall 2020


Teaching and Personal Protective Equipment, Member. (July 2020 – August 2020).

Met with this committee, and a small group focused on “performance” courses, to produce guidance for the University on PPE and Teaching.


Organizer and facilitator, Presenter Keep Teaching PSU:   Countdown to Classes Webinar., Countdown to Classes Faculty BootCamp, Organizer. (July 2020 – August 14, 2020).


Organizer and facilitator, Presenter Keep Teaching PSU:  Preparing for Fall: Lessons Learned from Summer., Presenter. (July 28, 2020).


Covid related


Presenter. (October 8, 2020).

10/8/20:  Gathering and Responding to Student Feedback – part of keep teaching   This session will feature the experiences of instructors who have collected and responded to student feedback on the COVID instructional modes, as well as highlight various methods for gathering feedback at mid-semester.


Invited participant in AEE 530  Classroom


Invited participant in AEE 530  Classroom, Graduate level Ag Ed Course, Presenter. (April 15, 2020).

An invitation from Dr. Crystal Ramsay and Dr. Daniel to work with the their students in AEE 530 on creating an elevator pitch to tell their professional story.


Participation in Recruitment and Retention Activities


Pathway to Success Summer Start Committee, Member. (May 2020 – August 2020).

Served on committee to prepare and support the PaSSS program, with outreach at the University and at Berks


Service to Society as a Representative of the University


Voluntary Consultation and/or Advising


facilitator, SALT Performing Arts, Volunteer, Local. Yellow Springs, PA United States. (January 2016 – October 2016).

Spring 2016:  I facilitated five 10 minute personal communication sessions for children ages 4-14 over the course of a 10 week Stagelight session, for three sessions.


Fall 2016: I facilitated five 30 minute personal communication sessions for children ages 4-14 over the course of a 10 week Stagelight session.


Service to the Disciplines and to the Profession


Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees


Assistant Conference Planner, Pennsylvania Communication Association, 2019 Conference Planning Committee, Assistant Conference Planner. Reading, PA. (September 27, 2019 – September 28, 2019).

Served as assistant conference planner to Dr. Jill Burk for the PCA 2019 annual conference.


Panel/Presentation submission reviewer


National Communication Association, Basic Course Division, Reviewer. (April 2020).


Service to discipline


Reviewer of new textbook chapters, W. W. Norton & Company, Reviewer. (November 2020).

Contemporary Public Speaking, by Pat Gehrke (University of South Carolina).


Reviewer of new textbook chapter, W. W. Norton & Company, Reviewer. (November 2019).

Contemporary Public Speaking, by Pat Gehrke (University of South Carolina).


Voluntary Consultation and/or Advising


Making Mentor | Mentee Relationships Matter at West Chester University of PA, Women Leading Up Undergraduate Alumnae Networking Event, Dawn Reitz, Presenter, Local. West Chester, PA United States. (November 2016).



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