In this new decade, in the turn of the clocks to 2020, issues involving gender inequality, expressions of sexuality, and the idea of gender within the workplace seem like problems that should have been resolved, or at least problems where great strides have been made. Some may argue that they have, and I guess that is hard to dispute. Comparing 100 years ago with where we are today gives the illusion of progress, of reform. Women couldn’t even vote then, and the idea of expression of sexuality, whatever that may be, was not only frowned upon, but dangerous in society.
But this naive notion that our work is done in regards to this issue proves severely incorrect. How could it possibly be? We are in a time where the #MeToo movement is at the forefront of popular culture, where there exists little shock when a girl reveals she was sexually harassed, where women are taught how to “prevent” such behavior as opposed to men being taught to not commit such acts.
This blog is going to tackle some of these various issues that are existing in today’s society with regards to gender and sexuality. I am going to be largely drawing from research and statistics in order to touch on what is largely affecting a majority of the country, as I feel that this is an unbiased way to arrange the topics which are important for discussion. I don’t claim to be an expert, but maybe that’s okay- maybe new minds is what is needed in this fight against inequality.
I also don’t want to present myself as a victim; I am privileged as a white, straight, cis woman in this world and I do not claim to be enduring the same plights as many of my fellow sisters within this world. I will not speak to points I cannot understand or claim, as that is not my territory. I will however aim to discuss and learn along with others about what is occuring, and how someone in my position can help effect change.
I leave you with this video about the power of one woman, the power that women hold in our world. What I want to come from this insignificant little blog is hopefully just a moment of two where one is left to question if we are contributing to the problem, or the solution. I hope I am able to do just that.