The definition of depression, as defined by Google Dictionary, is feelings of severe despondency and dejection. My definition of depression is feeling like an outcast and not “fitting in” in this world. Many people face depression or a depressive state at some point during one’s life. Depression has many causes, such as a traumatic event, any kind of abuse, and genetics. Many more causes can be the result of depression. https://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/causes-depression#1 Depression comes in different levels of degrees ranging from mild to moderate to severe. Mild depression has the following symptoms: irritability, hopelessness, loss of interest in enjoyable activities. Moderate depression has symptoms that include issues with self-esteem, excessive worrying, and feelings of worthlessness. Severe depression has more dangerous symptoms, such as delusions, hallucinations, and suicidal thoughts or behaviors. the There are many treatments available to treat depression. The most common treatments are psychological therapy and medication. Psychological therapy consists of a trained psychologist who interacts and assists patients with mental heath issues and often teaches patients healthy coping skills. Medications for depression consists of Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which assist the brain in producing serotonin and controls emotions, and antidepressants, which assist in relaxing the mind. Some popular medications given to depressed patients are Bupropion, Sertralin, and Mirtazapine. Many people try to cover up depression which also suppresses their ability to express their emotions. The most common cause of suicide is untreated depression and up to ninety percent of people who commit suicide are depressed. Not only normal, average people deal with depression, but also wealthy, seemingly happy, famous people. Some that come to mind are Demi Lovato, singer, songwriter, and actress, as well as Robin Williams, comedian and actor. Demi Lovato opened up about her childhood depression in 2017 and describes feelings of loneliness, even when she had people she could turn to. You can read more about Demi opening up here: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/demi-lovato-childhood-depression_n_5241422. Robin Williams opened up about his depression and other struggles on his tour in 2009. He covered up some of his issues with humor, which may have caused many viewers to dismiss what he was really struggling with. Robin William committed suicide by hanging on August 11, 2014, which came as not only a shock to the world, but also a wake up call. You can watch this breaking news clip from CNN reporting his death. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=robin+williams+suicide+fox+news&adlt=strict&view=detail&mid=1BBA6454B3005844D70B1BBA6454B3005844D70B&&FORM=VDRVRV. Many saw Williams as a happy, funny guy, but underneath that persona, he was hiding deep dark secrets that ultimately led to his suicide. He is now the face of the quote, “Always check on your happy friends.”
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