
Anxiety, as defined by Google dictionary, is intense and excessive worrying and fearing everyday situations. I view anxiety as a little voice in one’s head that reminds you of the bad and what could go wrong. Almost every person has experienced anxiety at some point. There are many things that can causes anxiety disorders, many of which are common in everyday life. The most common cause is stress, whether from work, school, a marriage, or financial. Emotional trauma is also a major cause. .Anxiety disorders are more serious, and the worry does not go away once the situation is over, it is just changed to a different worry. There are 4 main levels of anxiety: mild, moderate, severe, and panic level. Mild anxiety is one that is not considered significant clinically, although if untreated can lead to serious health issues. Symptoms of mild anxiety include shyness and social anxiety and can begin anywhere from childhood to adulthood. Moderate anxiety includes more constant worries than mild but can still live daily lives easily. Symptoms of moderate anxiety consist of being “on edge” and not being able to relax. Severe anxiety is clinically significant and usually coexists with depression. Severe anxiety is debilitating and makes it very difficult to function. Symptoms of severe anxiety include feelings of panic and social withdraw. Most people who suffer from severe anxiety turn to drugs and alcohol due to high cost of healthcare. Panic level anxiety, also known as panic disorder, is the most serious level of the anxiety disorder. Panic level anxiety causes frequent and unexpected panic attacks. Panic attacks have symptoms of heart palpitations, dizziness, as well as extreme fear. .The main treatments for anxiety disorders include psychotherapy, medications, and natural remedies. The most common form of psychotherapy performed is cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as CBT, which helps the patient change their thoughts and feelings to achieve better behavior. Not only do average, everyday people suffer from anxiety disorder, but also well-known famous people. Many famous people have opened up about having anxiety and how they cope with the disorder. Emma Stone, a famous actress, is very open about her battle with frequent panic attacks. She copes by seeing a therapist, as well as doing what she loves, acting. Dan Harris, co-anchor on ABC’s Nightline program, was on air when he suffered from a panic attack. He wrote a book about his battle with anxiety in 2014 and uses meditation to help reduce the panic attacks. . Anxiety is a very difficult disease to live with as it almost controls you, but with the support of others as well as treatment, it is possible to make it through.

2 thoughts on “Anxiety”

  1. I like the overall concept of your passion blog because of the light that mental illnesses have been receiving lately. In the past, most people were too afraid to expose the true way they were feeling in fear of being stereotyped by others in society. I personally feel that in society, mental illnesses have a horribly negative reputation because of the way people viewed them in the past. In today’s society, though, more and more people are admitting to their internal problems and seeking help rather than keeping them boiled up inside of them. I think that with the help of celebrities, like Emma Stone, more and more people will reach out and find the help that they need to help with their illness.

  2. I thought this blog post was very interesting. My passion post is about psychology as well so I am bias. I feel mental health is a very important and undervalued topic that does need to be talked about more especially in today’s society. The only thing I would say is to highlight a word and then insert link instead of posting whole url.

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