Civic Issues 3: Expression of identity through art

Throughout human history, we have used art to express ourselves, convey messages and feelings, and create individual identities. Art plays a significant role in all of our lives in many different ways. Art plays such a major role in defining our identity as a society that we preserve it in museums for thousands of people to see. In modern-day culture, art is used to express community ideals, values, and ways of life. Because of art, we have a way to record the past and our previous ways of life visually and we have preserved it tremendously well.
Art changes as time goes on, we see this through the changing styles of art along with the changing subjects, and themes. and stories that art tells. For example, art from the 1700s France looks similar to art from Spain in the same era but each has a different identity tied to the art. The art of Monet and Dali are different but may display similar sentiments or messaging in their pieces of art that are a part of the time era.
Modern-day art expresses a variety of different themes and ideals that were not seen in art before the modern day. For example, the amount of murals in honor of famous or influential people that we see today on the walls of our towns and cities is a style of art that was not seen before the modern day. The urbanization of art is something that has caused art to change its formats in never-before-seen ways. Artists such as Banksy have used this to their advantage to reach their levels of fame. Banksy uses the internet to create the idea that he is mysterious and the art he releases is well known across the world for its controversial presentations and allure behind the works of art.
Art brings the community together in many ways. Museums bring people both young and old together to experience art from hundreds of years ago to experience the same thing and to try and understand the art and to internalize its beauty. Art is created by people who seek to express themselves in a way that is different from others and because of this it brings people together by the thousands and creates a community of artists.
Art has brought people together for hundreds of years, each artist that creates art has their own identity that other people come together to love. This is what is so important about art, people connect through artists each with separate identities. This has happened for so long that everyone appreciates art and we learn from it all the time.

3 thoughts on “Civic Issues 3: Expression of identity through art

  1. I have to admit that I used to always say that I didn’t “get” modern art, but I definitely understand now the important role it plays in our society, especially in regards to self-expression. One thing that I think is really great is how much more accessible art is to people today; many museums are free (especially for college students) and anyone can take pen to paper and create a masterpiece. Because art is so important in bringing people together, it is important that the government continues to fund the National Endowment for the Arts, which financially supports artists.

  2. I enjoy art but have to confess that I mostly focus on old Italian Renaissance art both with oil paintings and also sculptures. I think the reason why I prefer art from the 15th, 16th centuries is because it feels like something easier to grasp than most ‘modern’ art or abstract art. I still think that these types of art are still very important and beautiful in their own right as it is amazing to think that it is a representation of what humans are. Protecting all art for this reason is really important and shows our history as a species.

  3. I love art, and museums. I really like modern forms of activist art, especially Zines. I wrote my blog post about them, they’re sick

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