West Cookies: Is the Legend True?

Chocolate chip cookies are pretty standard. They can be found at any grocery store, bakery, or school function. At this point in my life, chocolate chip cookies are repulsive. I’ve had every possible variation you can imagine from hard to soft, stale to underbaked, waxy to crunchy, double chocolate to chocolate-less and beyond. I am personally not a fan of this specific baked good due to how excessively it has been produced. I’ve eaten chocolate chipcookies for so long now that they do not impress me anymore… until I came here.

Think back to your favorite childhood memory. Is it happy? Is it warm or comforting? Does it involve doing something you enjoy? All of these wonderful memories culminate into the best cookie I have ever had: west cookies. The perfect home away from home desert that brings back those wam and fuzzy childhood memories. What makes them so special you ask? Well I’ll tell you!

Going into west to sample the legendary west cookies, I was skeptical. How can a basic chocolate chip cookie hold such a high reputation? As I went in and sat down, I decided to have a normal balanced dinner from the rotating menu first since you can’t make a whole meal out of bland chocolate chip cookies. But after my first bite, I wished I had fasted the entire day.

To start, there is no way to properly bite a west cookie because it falls apart in the best possible way before you can raise it to your mouth. Fresh from the oven and then kept warm to perfection, these cookies are the perfect balance of a gooey cookie with the slightly crunchy outer ring. From my first bite, I was hooked. I pulled, or rather let the cookie, fall apart in my hands and placed the first piece in my mouth. At first, the texture is a bit strange. Because if its soft properties, the texture lends itself to more of a mushy consistency compared to the standard grocery store cookies. As I continued eating, I noticed their perfect temperature. The cookies themselves had the properties similar to those straight out of the oven but without the searing heat. West cookies are the perfect temperature for eating without the costly sensation of a burnt mouth. Because of this, the chocolate chips are completely melted but just cool enough as to not burn your mouth.

In conclusion, I give these cookies a 12/10. They are the perfect comfort food to end a difficult day or the best way to celebrate after a good day. West cookies have become my favorite part of the dinning halls and are the warm, comforting blanket I need on these increasingly cold and difficult days.

3 thoughts on “West Cookies: Is the Legend True?

  1. These cookies are the best I have had in my whole life. I agree with you that chocolate chip cookies can get repetitive at times, however, these cookies are the one exception. Your vivid details paint the picture well of how good of an experience they truly are.

  2. Great Job!! Your descriptive word choice helped convey how amazing you find the cookies to be! I personally have never tried them, but I will definitely have to in the future!!

  3. Wow Danielle! As usual your blog paints me a lovely and vivid picture…this time in the shape of a delicious chocolate chip cookie. I love that this blog focuses on a small item rather than a meal which keeps variety in the blog! Great work!

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