Daniel Firayner
Opening: “Do you love America!?” – Visual: American Flag
Transition opening to 15 sec talk about my views on the American flag and how I discovered the ideologies of the flag in the classroom. Most of this content will be about being a 1st generation American and will foreshadow the classroom point. Then head into the thesis.
Thesis: The American flag frames the civic by displaying the ideology of nationalism through its patriotic history, striving for unity, and glorification of freedom.
- ^30-45 sec^
Body 1: Patriotism and community – Visual: American Flag at a memorial and on a car
Patriotism is one of the cornerstones of our nation. From the Pledge of Allegiance to the respect that our flag is held under (military flag respect), our flag is the holy artifact that connects our patriotism to our nation…
As Americans, we all participate in our communities. While some may enlist in the military and others may work front-line jobs, we all find our commitment to our nation. Who knows when your kairotic calling will come…
Summary: Under the flag, both patriotism and community bring the citizens of America together to build the support for our nation.
- ^45-60 sec^
Body 2: Unity in identity – Visual: American Flag in a classroom and at a tailgate
Being American is a lifestyle. Our identity as a people is unmatched by the rest of the world. From tailgates to barbecues, we as Americans celebrate our belonging under our flag. With this comes the access to an audience. We all remember reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every morning at school. You may not have thought much of it but in essence, it makes us all American…
Summary: As Americans, we all, in unison, share an identity that is represented by our flag.
- ^45-60 sec^
Body 3: Freedom – Visual: American Flag on a battlefield
Since the founding of our country, freedom has been a commonplace long associated with our flag. One aspect of our freedom is The Constitution, which entitles us to the rights that come with belonging under the American flag. Our amendments keep us safe and maintain justice for all. The backbone of our nation can be seen through our flag and it’s clear that most of our country’s beliefs rely on freedom. We have fought long and hard to attain such a luxury. Another example where the American flag can be used as a means to boost morale and show our soldiers that they are fighting for the purpose of our country’s freedom…
Summary: As the key foundation of our nation, freedom is that catchphrase that comes to mind when you glance at the flag.
- ^45-60 sec^
Review: Throughout the existence of the US, the flag has changed a few times but its need and meaning have stayed constant. With its patriotic history, striving for unity, and glorification of freedom, the American flag frames the civic by displaying the ideology of nationalism.
Call to action: Take a second to look around, and think about all of the opportunities the American flag has presented you. And maybe after this speech, you can say that you love America a little bit more.
- ^20-30 sec^