Portfolio Project Preparation

For my portfolio, I’m choosing to use Wix because it seems like the most effective and simplistic website builder. After using sites.psu for a few other projects, I’d like to branch out and gain experience working with a website builder such as Wix. Reading the comparison websites provided, it seems like Wix was voted the most comfortable user experience with a very wide range of design choices. Overall, I want to create a professional-looking webpage to display my work and I feel as though I can best do this on Wix.

For my main purpose, I am aiming to create a webpage that describes my interest and personality outside of just a resume or a job interview. I hope to use this professionally for future internships and job opportunities as a way for recruiters to understand traits and interests that may not come to light during the interview and application process. That being said, my main audience is recruiters and professionals.

I plan to incorporate sections including “About Me”/Home, Education Reform, Musical Passions, Penn State Involvements, and a page for my professional resume. For the education reform section, I will incorporate works from RCL because it is not an interest that I often express in personal conversations. By showcasing my blogs and projects from this semester, I feel it is a meaningful look into my character. Specifically, I will highlight a civic issue blog and issue brief as artifacts. For my musical passions page, I plan to showcase blog posts from both semesters to develop my love for jazz and performing. I also plan to post links to PSU jazz band concerts. Lastly, I plan to share some of my involvements on campus, such as business-related activities, due to my plan to major in Finance and Economics.

2 thoughts on “Portfolio Project Preparation

  1. Hi Derek! I have also chosen to use Wix, as it seems the most user friendly and also seems to have more design options. I think you had some strong, solid ideas on how to format your portfolio in a way that will give future employers an effective glimpse into your character! Great ideas!

  2. Hey Derek! I also decide to use WIX! Great chose ahahah. It is also interesting that we have the same goals with our E-portfolios, to get an attention of potentially future employers. I think that it is a great way of reaching to them. Great ideas foe the structure of EPortfolio, I think it will work just right! Great job!

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