2.3.1 Design Concept

2.3.1 Design Concept focuses on topological transformations.  While I was trying to pick a reference object, I had to take 4 things into account.  These 4 factors were the volume, scale, analyze-ability of the object, and whether it was asymmetrical.  After taking everything into account, I figured it would be in my best interest to choose a shoe as my reference object.  Before I started my sketch I reviewed the demo provided in the wiki.  After I chose a shoe as my reference object, I took into account the hidden geometries that are present with any object.  Before I went straight to my graph paper, I did some rough drafts in a sketchbook.  At first, I started with the side of the shoe sketch.  Then after this, I did the top of the shoe, and then finally the front of the shoe.  I made sure to precisely measure the size of each sketch as I drew it so I got an accurate sketch as I could of.  After I finished all the sketches I scanned the sketches on a printer.  This will allow me to import my orthographic sketches into Fusion 360 and then create a 3D model of the shoe that I sketched.

Author: Dean DiGirolamo

I am many things. You, me, nobody can describe me in 100 words. I feel like I have a good grasp on life. I want many things, but I am thankful for everything. I believe the key to life is happiness. I feel happiness through God, my family, and my friends. I have many hobbies, I feel like I am very diverse in my interests. I have to live every day by listening to music as much as I can. I am also an introvert and enjoy alone time. This is probably the most accurate way I can describe myself.

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