In the United States of America, the most recent stock market crash began in April of 2020. This was the first crash in over a decade of economic prosperity and a booming economy. Once the nation recovered in 2009 from the 2008 financial house market bubble burst and stock market crash, the countries economy was booming, and no one saw a reason for the markets to crash. Then out of seemingly nowhere in the middle of March, the economy came to a screeching halt. The covid-19 pandemic hit the united states to an extent which no one foresaw coming. Travel, schools, and even shopping were shut down. No one was spending their money which had an extremely negative effect on the booming economy. Markets plummeted dropping over 33% in not even a full month. These times were very scary to many Americans.
As seen in the picture above, The recovery was a v-shaped recovery. This means that the markets did not stay at the bottom for very long once the panic was under control markets instantaneously started to rebound. Part of this is because at this point people started to spend a little more money. Restaurants started opening back up and commerce around the united states started to continue. The large companies reflected primarily in the stock market were able to quickly rebound. On the other hand, many small businesses are still struggling today.
Yahoo Finance data showing the crash due to Covid-19 In America
A lot of legislation has been passed to try and encourage this small business to stay alive through the pandemic. Many citizens were given stimulus checks in order to promote spending. Typically to give more spending money to the economy jobs would be created. In this instance, there was no way to make jobs that people could safely perform with the global pandemic going on, so instead, money was given directly to people with the hope that they would spend it and stimulate the economy. Example Of a Stimulus Check
The government’s plan to promote spending did end up working very well and the economy is back to points which it had never reached before the pandemic. Just yesterday the Dow hit an all-time high. And many other index funds like the S&P 500 are doing better than ever. It was very surprising to many people in the financial community that the recovery path for this crash was v-shaped rather than u-shaped.