
What We Do:

Acts of Kindness (Year-Round): The goal of the year for the organization, is to participate in random “Acts of Kindness” in each member’s own local community. This could be acts such as: donating to your favorite charity, buying lunch for the person behind you in a drive-through, helping a family member, reaching out to old friends to provide support, etc.

Monthly Themes (Year-Round): Each month, the organization sets a theme to surround their discussions, social media posts, and activities around.

  1. January 2022- Kindness & Compassion Towards Others
  2. February 2022- Self Love, Affirmations & Galentine’s Day
  3. March 2022 – Future Planning & Success Driving
  4. April 2022 – Environmental Protection & Sustainability
  5. May 2022 – Mindful Nutrition
  6. June 2022 – LGBTQ+ Pride
  7. July 2022 – Body, Mind & Soul Positivity
  8. August 2022 – Hobbies & Activities
  9. September 2022 – Education Awareness
  10. October 2022 – Bullying Prevention
  11. November 2022 – Friendsgiving
  12. December 2022 – Family Focus

1:1 Peer Companions: The organization members who wish to participate will be randomly assigned a “peer.” This program is intended to get to know other members in the organization on a deeper level, make tighter bonds and connections, and grow closer friendships in Delta Gamma Chi. This is a way to expand friendships without the pressure of a “breakout” room in a Zoom call. Peer Companions will check in with each other, talk amongst themselves and get to know each other on their own terms to build stronger relationships. (January 2022)

Galentine’s Day Gift Exchange: An event hosted by Delta Gamma Chi where everyone participating is randomly assigned to one another, and each person anonymously gives and receives a gift for Valentine’s Day. Hosted on the platform, Elfster. (February 2022)

Self Love & Meditation Event: A meditation and self-love one-hour event hosted by Sandra. Attendees focus on yoga, breathing, and writing down their affirmations and self-love practices. This event is part of our February theme of Self Love. (February 2022)

Film Viewing Night Co-Collab with the Sustainability Club: Members from both clubs, along with the World Campus study body were able to come together to watch a movie using Teleparty and Netflix. We watched “Don’t Look Up” in celebration of Earth Day and to inform others about how to be sustainable. (April 2022)

Paint Your Own Paddle Night: A bonding and Welcome Week activity where members could come together to bond, play games, chat and create custom Greek paddles as an art project. (May 2022)

Co-Collaboration Event with the Pride Club: Members from both clubs were invited to view a Ted Talk following an LGBTQ+ couple. Students collaborated on an open floor discussion after the viewing to talk about the LGBTQ+ community, social stereotypes and how to be a good ally.