Demea Owens


March 2024

Issue Brief Draft/Outline

So, I am currently not entirely 100% sold on what exactly I am going to dive into through all sections of my issue brief, so the best I can do is provide an outline. I was hoping to go toward… Continue Reading →

Personal Is Political #8

Personally, one of my most favorite things to do is to go shopping. I could take an entire week to just visit different stores, malls, outlets, etc. I have always been like this. As a kid, I would look forward… Continue Reading →

RCL Blog #4: Issue Brief Intro Draft

Just a warning, this is a very ROUGH first draft of my introduction paragraph. I’m not exactly sure how I want to set it up or if I am doing it right. But here is the start! Periods. Since the… Continue Reading →

Civic Issue Blog #4

Oftentimes, the issues regarding periods find their way toward misogyny or feminist issues. The negative stigmatism surrounding periods is saddening. Women are perceived as “over-exaggerating” or making it up. For example, men fight, even up to today, about whether period… Continue Reading →

Personal Is Political #7

Previously in my entries, I had talked about my parents’ influence on political issues, specifically women’s rights. However, these influences dug deeper into politics, including my acceptance of my heritage. My father is biracial, with a white mother and an… Continue Reading →

Personal Is Political Blog #6

As a kid, I can remember the amount of anxiety I had. I could barely talk to anyone, even my family. For what reason I am not too sure of, but all I know is that anxiety took over my… Continue Reading →

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