Over six million people in the United States suffer from an eating disorder along with body dysmorphia, representing 5-9% of the population. Modeling has instilled this unreasonable expectation of the “perfect” size. The disconnect between beauty standards and reality is emphasized and incorporated into modeling agencies across the world. Fashion Shows and modeling ads set the bar of what true beauty is to an exact value – skinny.  Women are prone to comparing themselves to a set of requirements to be pretty, not their true value within. In an attempt to bring awareness to the struggles women face throughout their lifetime, Star Models, a modeling agency in Brazil, released a series of ads contributing to the reverse of beauty standards. The ad was simple, one drawing of the “perfect” model with sticks as legs and arms. Beside it sat another woman, but this one in a realistic form, but with the same size dimensions as the sketch. A tagline written above the pictures stated, “You are not a sketch. Say no to anorexia.” This anti-anorexia ad demonstrated the use of common places, the application of kairos along with the implementation of pathos, ethos, and logos. Despite the realistic version of the woman being an exaggeration of the sketch, it is unreal in how closely it resembles some of the women we see in today’s fashion shows. As skinny is the accepted idea of perfect, this desensitizes some of the true effects anorexia or bulimia have on others. Lacking recognition of its serious consequences, Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps published a series of ads stating, “You Can Never Be Too Thin!”, and “Taste As Good As Skinny Feels!”. Attempting to bring in pathos, common places, and kairos to their advertisement, the company missed their shot, as it was promoting unhealthy weight loss. Reality gets often overlooked when perceptions become peoples’ truths. The idea modeling implements, “size zero is the perfect size.”, leaves women to believe their worth is through dimensions, not character. With the help of publicity, Star Models hopes to bring awareness of eating disorders to light along with equality of women, with the help of showing that ads such as Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps do play a role in decreasing health and well-being of the world.