Publications and presentations

At this stage, the project’s outputs consist of a smattering of scholarly articles, papers, grant proposals, and presentations by the project leader and co-authors. In time, this list will grow to include a wider range of essays and media.


Gastil, J., & Felicetti, A. (2024). Designing a personal voting guide A model for electoral deliberation online. The Information Society.

Gastil, J. (2023). To play is the thing: Using game design principles to make online deliberation compelling. American Behavioral Scientist, 67(8), 1042-1063.

Gastil, J. (2021). A theoretical model of how digital platforms for public consultation can leverage deliberation to boost democratic legitimacy. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17(1), 78-89.

Gastil, J., & Broghammer, M. (2021). Linking theories of motivation, game mechanics, and public deliberation to design an online system for participatory budgeting. Political Studies, 69(1), 7-25.

Gastil, J., & Davies, T. R. (2020). Digital democracy: Episode IV—A new hope: How a Corporation for Public Software could transform digital engagement for government and civil society. Digital Government: Research and Practice, 1(1).

Gastil, J., & Meinrath, S. D. (2018). Bringing citizens and policymakers together online: Imagining the possibilities and taking stock of privacy and transparency hazards. Computer, 51(6), 30-40.

Gastil, J. (2018). Early Glimpses of a Robust Public Consultation System in San José, California. National Civic Review, 107(3).

Gastil, J., & Richards, R. (2017). Embracing digital democracy: A call for building an online civic commons. PS: Political Science & Politics, 50, 758-763.

Gastil, J. (2016). Building a Democracy Machine: Toward an integrated and empowered form of civic engagement. Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation Working Paper Series, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA.

Recorded Presentations

Gastil, J. (2016, February). Common Ground for Action: So People Have Participated in a Forum . . . So What? [Introduction of the Democracy Machine]. Featured talk given at the Conteneo Collaboration Confab on the Microsoft campus, San Jose, CA. Link to the video. Link to the slides.