Home Page


The idea that everything is connected is a corner stone of architecture. Whether it is finding inspiration in something that exists, or learning how ones work is not truly their own.

Both of these ideas were touch upon in the two Fall 2020 Semester Studio Projects. How everything around us is connected. One cannot create anything original. Everything is based on something. That idea is seen in Existing Conditions. The first rotation assignment. Next, an architect does not randomly create. There is a basis to their ideas. In rotation 2, Esteemed Exemplars, the goal is to understand the meaning behind a site which leads to a creation.

About Me:

My Name is Samuel Deorio. I am a first year B.Arch student at The Pennsylvania State University. I live in Fairfield CT. I come from a 5 person family. Me, my mom, and my 3 siblings, one of which went to Penn State too. I have wanted to be an architect since I was a child after the amazing discovery of LEGO blocks, which is something I still use today.

Contact Info:

Email: sjd5993@psu.edu

Phone Number: (203)-556-3008


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